25. The Last Laugh

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Welp, this is going to be the one. The one where it happens.

I actually hate the episode this is based off of. Only because of the 'thing' that happens.



Sam's P.O.V
After Galavan is knocked out, Barbara drags him backstage, and is then ordered to chose one of the guests to come up on stage for another "illusion".

While she walks around the room, thinking of who to pick, Jerome walks towards me, kneeling down in front of the chair I'm on.

"Leave me alone," is all I say.

"Oh, come on! Don't be like that! You've only got ten minutes before Barbara can kill Thompkins over there," he leans in, almost closing the gap between us, "so you might wanna get some things off your chest."

"You can still stop this, Jerome. Please, I know you won't give yourself up, but we can go on the run - me and you. I have a feeling that something really bad is about to happen."

He shakes his head, a sad smile on his lips as he says to me, "Nope. Now, I understand you get squeamish around blood, but you're still going to be by my side with every crime I commit. You'll understand, after a while."

"No, I won't!" I yell, causing him to frown. "You're not going to keep me as some sort of pet, and you're not going to prevent me from leaving! I will always try to get away from you, so just face it and let me go!"

I realise my mistake when his mouth curves up to form a sick smile, his teeth gritted as he somehow moves even closer to me, his lips moving closer to my ear. When I notice the veins throbbing on his neck, I know that he's really angry.

"Jerome-" I blurt, hoping to calm him down, but he cuts me off.

"Is that what you really want to do, huh? Well, it's a shame, because you're never going to be rid of me. I will always find you, wherever you hide. You may hate me, but I care about you, so I'll never let you go," he grits out, one of his hands reaching behind my head to keep me still.

I find my throat close up, as no words leave it.

He moves back a bit, so he can get a better look at my shocked face, before coming forward again, capturing my lips in his own. I gasp, allowing his tongue entrance to my mouth. His dominance is fairly obvious, as he barely gives me any time to breathe.

I just sit there, not kissing back, yet strangely not pulling away. I hate to say that some minuscule and disgusting part of me actually likes the kiss.

He then pulls away from me, turning towards Barbara as if nothing happened.

Barbara finally brings someone up, dragging them towards Jerome, who moves away from me, and towards a table that has two guns sat on it.

He orders the man to stand in front of him, and then looks to the two guns.

"Hmm. Ipp, dipp, doo, I don't know the rest of this, so I pick you!" He raises his finger over the guns, switching between then after every word. In the end, he choses the one on the right.

He picks it up, as Barbara places an apple on the man's head.

"Hold very still..." Jerome says to the man, pointing his gun at the apple on his head. "Oh! I can't look!"

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