54. The Core Relay

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Bruce's P.O.V

"Jeremiah's followers must have taken Alfred while I was at the cemetery," I tell Selina as we walk, the truck protecting us from any unwanted attention.

"I bet he put up a fight."

"Thanks again for meeting me, Selina."

"Sure," she bluntly replies.

"I didn't have anyone else to call. I know it's asking lot. So, I was just really-"

"Bruce, I'm gonna be here whenever you need me," she cuts me off, her tone serious.

We reach the edge of the truck, peeking around he corner of it to see the building Jeremiah told me to go to.

"Okay, that's the address. I don't see anyone though. That could be a trap, right?" Selina asks.

"I don't know. Jeremiah could've killed me at the cemetery. He wants something out of me."

"... He could've killed Samantha at the cemetery. Instead he did it in front of the GCPD. Besides, what could he want? To be your best friend?"

"Trap or not, if Alfred's in there, I need to find out."


Harvey's P.O.V

"After the mayor's evacuation orders, the New Trigate Bridge is absolute bedlam..." the television reporter states.

"Where are we at with the evac?" I question, stepping closer to Harper.

"Bridges and tunnels are number to bumper. National Guard is bringing in the choppers. Look, we're talking about evacuating hospitals, nursing homes, jails. Some people just don't wanna leave," she replies, and we both turn back to the TV.

"We're seeing the same level of panic on every bridge and tunnel..."

"God, what a mess. Just make it happen," I sigh.

"Okay," she nods, and begins to leave.

"Excuse me," Lucius pushes past her, something in his arms. It's the blueprints Bruce was talking about.

He places one of the prints down on the table, "I got the schematics from Wayne Enterprises R&D."

"The Wayne kid said the bombs were batteries," I state.

"A series of network sled-perpetuating generators. But when supercharged, they contain enough energy to level a city block."

"Got it, battery bombs from hell. Just tell me this will help us find and disable them."

"Disable, yes. Find, no. But..." He places down the second blueprint, pointing at a small piece of writing on it, "Look, here. Because they were created to be networked together, Jeremiah would have to send a signal a centrally-located core relay in order to blow all the bombs from a single detonator."

"Lucius, just English, please."

"Sorry, the bombs are connected by a nervous system. The core relay is the brain. We find that, we destroy that-"

"We can stop the bombs from going off," I finish.


"But how do we find it? How do we find this brain?"


Sam's P.O.V

After a while, the car I was in stopped, in front of some sort of old warehouse or even an abandoned meet up place for Gotham's rich elites. It's definitely not in use for what it was before now.

Crazy for You - Valeska Brothers x Female OC (Gotham)Where stories live. Discover now