22. Barbie VS Ginger

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Barbara's P.O.V

"Tabby," I smile at her when she walks towards me, her head down, as if she's deep in thought.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, when she's close enough for me to realise that she's pissed.

"Jerome," She hisses out of her gritted teeth, "my brother didn't tell me that Jerome was allowed a hostage."

I raise an eyebrow at her, "Theo didn't tell me either. Why do you care, anyway? We have the mayor, so let the boy have his own fun."

"It's not that," she grimaces.

"What is it then?"

"Jerome's hostage is a girl. Practically still a kid."

I didn't think that Tabitha had morals like that.

"And?" I press her for more information.

She looks up from the floor, her eyes filled with worry.

"Babs. It's your friend. The 'Samantha' girl."

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

"You've got to be kidding me?" I snarl, and she sighs.

"I saw her trying to sneak out. She matched the description you told me. Jerome caught her, of course."

"How long ago was this?!" I grab her shoulders, trying to ignore the thought of what that psycho could be doing to Sam right now.

"About five minutes ago, why?"

I instantly start making my way towards Jerome's room.

If that little shit has hurt her...

I notice Jerome stepping out of his room, locking the door behind him.

He starts walking somewhere, and I follow him.

He doesn't realise that I'm right behind him, and picks up a tray that has breakfast on it.


He turns around, his eyes widening.


"Where the hell is Sam?"

He doesn't look surprised at my question.

"Oh, I didn't think Tabitha was a snitch. But I guess she would do anything for you..."

"Don't dodge my question. Where is she?"

"I didn't hurt her, if that's what your wondering. Nope, I didn't hurt a hair on her pretty little head. And she's in my room, but don't even think about trying to speak to her without my permission," his eyes narrow, and somehow it perfectly matches the evil grin on his lips.

I huff. If I'm not careful, I'm going to kill the ginger freak.

"Now, if you'd politely excuse me, I need to give Sammy this," he smirks, shouldering his tray of food past me, and walking away.

"Don't think this is over!" I shout, and he laughs in reply.

"Just remember, I'm the boss of you, the rest of the team, and Sam."

"You wish," I mutter under my breath as I watch him turn the corner, and out of sight. Definitely not out of mind, though.

The next thing I do is confront Galavan, but he refuses to let Sam leave, even though she hasn't seen him yet. He does promise not to kill her though, but it doesn't reassure me.

"And do you really think Jerome won't kill her?! Maybe after he's done torturing her, he'll get bored."

"He isn't torturing her," Theo snorts, "I saw him going to get her food earlier, why would he do that if he was abusing her?"

"Mentally, Theo! He's going to make her go mad!"

"Well, she's seen Tabitha. She can't leave. The press will be all over her."

"Let her stay with me then," I suggest, and he shakes his head.

"Jerome would kill everyone in this building before he would allow that to happen."

I scream out in anger. What the hell am I meant to do?

"Look, Barbara. I've seen the way he acts now that the girl is here. Did you see what happened when Greenwood mentioned her? I'm surprised Jerome didn't kill him." Theo shrugs.

"You're happy that's he's somehow even more thirsty for blood?"

"That'll make me seem a whole lot better when we go to the fundraiser Ms. Thompkins is holding."

My nostrils flare up at the thought of Lee Thompkins.

It was a cheap move, mentioning her. Because I really wouldn't mind Jerome being bloodthirsty around her. As long as I get to kill her, of course.

"Fine," I mumble, "but after what happens at the fundraiser... happens, I get the girl."

"If she isn't dead."

"Excuse me?"

"You do know that Jerome is bringing her to the fundraiser, right?"

Crazy for You - Valeska Brothers x Female OC (Gotham)Where stories live. Discover now