Angel With A Shotgun

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Kellin's POV

I decided to walk over to Vic's 6th period (Math) to see if he had to stay in late, for whatever reason. As I walked there, I heard a pile of books fall down on the floor around the corner. It echoed through the walls and I jumped at the breaking of the silence.

Curiously, I slowly walked towards the noise and peeked my head around the corner to look down the hall. I saw 3 guys' backs facing me and a small frail boy on the floor. I gasped and his behind the corner. I knew who those guys were and I certainly didn't want to be caught and beat up again. My heart was in my throat, but I looked around the corner again to see who their daily victim was.

A familiar shirt caught my eye. It was a flash of a dark washed-down red. I focuses a little more and waited for the one of the guys to move to see the face. The tallest of them kicked the boy in the stomach then in the face. Why won't they move? It's like they were hiding who it was. Quiet laughter echoed from the hallway and I shuddered at the sound. A different kid, dressed in green pulled the beaten boy up by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.
I felt sick, lightheaded. I wanted to pass out but I wanted to scream. A fist pounded to Vic's nose. I just see him trying to escape, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Crying for your boyfriend? Gayass bitch. Your gonna go home and fuck him aren't you? Both of you can burn in hell."
The tallest guy hissed at Vic's face, spitting all over him. No. This was not acceptable.

"Get the fuck away from him." I barked, stepping out from the wall I was hiding in before. The guys paused and threw Vic to the floor. I watched as he cringed on the floor in pain. Bruised and broken, using his hair to cover his tears.

"Boyfriend is here to save the day, just as expected. Take him, we're done here." The three guys walked away from Vic and up to me. As they walked past, one of them grabbed my short wavy black hair and threw me on the ground.

"Go kiss him." He laughed and they walked away.

I scrambled up to my feet an ran over to Vic, a few feet away. He was shaking and I kneeled down in front of him. I gently picked him up under the arms, being careful not to hurt him anymore than he was. I put his arms on my shoulders. I wrapped mine under his and pulled him into a soft hug. He squeezed me tightly, never wanting to let go. Vic cried into my shoulder for what felt like an internity, yet I didn't mind. I buried my face into his hair around his neck.

"Thank you." He whispered.

I smiled and pulled away enough so we looked eye to eye at each other. Around his eye was black and his lips were full and purple. His pupils were big and watery. He looked like a puppy. I just wanted to hug him all day.

"Let's get you home, I'm calling your mom." I informed him. I saw that Vic wasn't a fan of the idea, but he didn't complain. He gave me the number and I dialed it into my phone, calling right away.

"Ola?" She answered right away

"Hi Mrs. Fuentes, it's Kellin."

"Oh! Hello Kellin, how are you?"

"I'm alright Mrs. Fuentes, uh listen Vic is really injured right now, do you think you can come pick him up?"

"Oh no, my Victor! Is he alright? What happened?" Her Spanish accent was thick.

"Just some kids at our school were being jerks, he's fine right now, he's with me. The nurse went home though." I scoffed.

"I'll come immediately, can you out him on the phone?"

"Yeah sure." I handed the phone to Vic and he slowly put it to his ear.


I could hear Vic's mom from where I was sitting, I just couldn't understand it.

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