Don't Lean on Me

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Vic's POV

I really felt bad for asking about Kellin's past. I didn't expect it to be so terrible. Of course I knew that some people had bad back stories, but I didn't expect it out of Kellin. He was so happy and cheerful all the time, I never even saw it coming. I felt like a total asshole for asking of course, but I really didn't know what to say. 
"Kellin, I want you to know that I'm so so sorry and that I am always here for you. Whenever you need me you tell me. Okay?" I pulled away and looked at him. Slowly, he brought his head up and those musky green eyes shined in the little light of my room. He gave me a small nod. 
"Thanks," Kellin murmured. 
"Of course. Dont even worry about it." I smiled lightly at him. Things got quiet after that. And it stayed for a while. Usually I was used to the silence, but this time it was different. I felt awkward and uncomfortable, something I wasn't used to. Especially not in my own bedroom. Maybe it was because I was never like this with Kellin. We always had something to talk about, and even if we didn't the silence between us was  a good, calming silence. But not this time. I tried to think of things to say, but nothing really came to mind. My eyes scanned the room for a conversation and they stopped at the window. 
"Do you wanna sneak out?" I proposed.
Kellin looked up at me with a strange look. "Where?"
"Anywhere, I guess. I just thought I'd be fun. There's a park on the other side of my neighbourhood and we could just walk around." 
"Vic Fuentes, goody goody, saying we should sneak out." He chuckled and sniffed. "Let's do it."


Kellin's POV

Vic and I climbed out of his window, being careful not to fall, since it was two stories. We hopped onto the window sills below us, to prevent breaking...something. I was anxious that he would end up injuring himself again, since he was so fragile. Both of us managed to get down unseen and quietly.

We walked silently, letting the cold wind hit us. I saw Vic shiver and I wanted to comfort him, yet something told me not too. He needed to sink him how fucked up I was. I sighed and just barely caught a glimpse of my breath. That didn't matter though. I regreted telling Vic the truth. Eventually,he would've found out, but I felt like it was too soon. Like everything was being rushed by. As if time didn't let us enjoy the good moments for long enough. And time always outstretched the times like this. I should've lied and said some "normal kid story", but I didn't.

I was scared, he'd tell someone. If anyone found out, my dad would get in trouble and that would lead me to even more trouble. If that does occur, the chances of me living are very slim. We continued to walk down the old sidewalk to the park. I walked a little bit behind him and the whole walk there was silent. I really wished I knew what was going on in Vic's mind. At the moment, I was getting so much anxiety, I prayed in my mind that Vic didn't decide to break up with me. He was the closest thing to happiness, I've had in a while. He made me forget all my problems, forget about my past. Whenever I was with him, all that mattered was the present. I didn't worry about the future. I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. Vic didn't mind, or atleast I don't think he did considering the fact that he never brought it up.

I dreamed about Vic at night, what we would do the next day. And it was pretty much the same. Talk, cuddle, watch movies, eat, do homework. Not always in the same order. On regular school days (when Vic wasn't recovering from injury) , I didn't come over everyday, even though I wished I did. I stayed away from my house as much as possible.

When I wasn't at Vic's house after school, I was at the library. Reading, studying, doing anything to pass time and clear my thoughts. The librarian, Mrs. Morros and I were good friends. I often assisted her in the library. We always talk. It was one of the only other places I could escape to. Mrs. Morros had small intestine cancer 5 years ago. She still has the chance of getting it again, which is why she quit her job and began as the Britton librarian. She often told me stories of how she was so active and outgoing, but nowadays she needs to rest all day and stay calm. Her diet is really strict too. I pitied her, but I never told her since she despises when people pity her. 
"I do not need pity. I am fine the way I am, because I am intended to be this way." She always says. Then she'd turn to me and say. "That's why you gotta love yourself, Kellin. You were put here for a reason and in the end, everything adds up. It might be rough now, but I believe in happy endings."
I'd nod and continue to do what I was doing before. I always took that into consideration. All the times I've thought about suicide, I would never get to see what everything my life added up to. Never get to see the final product...

I was snapped back into my thought when I tripped and fell into a hole in the sidewalk. Thankfully, I only fell on my knees and not my face. Vic looked back startled. "Are you ok?" He asked.
I stood up and brushed off my pants. "Yeah I'm fine."
"Sorry, I forgot to warn you about those, there's a ton." He softly chuckled and it made me smile. At least he was in a OK mood. We reached the park, which was deserted, considering it was 8 P.M. on a Thursday night in October.

Vic scraped his feet along the grass as we crossed it to reach the swings. He sat down on the first one as I sat down next to him.
"Hey Kellin...." Vic spoke up, clearing his throat. He usually wasn't shy around me, but this was an understandable moment to be a little nervous to say something to someone. One wrong word and you never know, they might commit the next day. It's all about word play. I don't say this as a warning that I'm going to kill myself, because I'm not anytime soon. I never believed in it. I've thought about it plenty of times, but I never put my thoughts to action. I mean this as me switching point of views with Vic. He doesn't know me as well as I know me.
I looked over to him sincerely. "Yeah?"
He licked his lips slowly and looked around the park as if the words he wanted to say were scattered around. "Listen, I'm not really a cheesy romance type of guy, but I am going to say this. I love you. I know that as a fact now. And I like you the way you are. What you said, I just- wasn't expecting to hear that. I'm not going to tell anybody and I don't plan on bringing it up, unless it gets serious. If you need anything, call me or text me. Even if its at 4 AM you can come spend the night. I really care about you Kellin." Vic sighed. I looked at him, into his big brown eyes.
"Thanks, Vic. I love you too." I smiled at him and he smiled back gently. I held out my hand and took his in mine. 

((hey guys did you know IM NOT DEAD WOW. im gonna be writing again isnt that cool :D. For any Supernatural fans, I'm staring a destiel fanfic as soon as i finish my idea for it lmao.kk ily bye))

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