The Ghost Of You

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I felt like an ass for what I did to Kellin. I wished I had never done that. I wished everything would be back to normal and there was no fight going on between us. I wished no one had beat me up. And just the slightest bit, something deep down and very dark, I wished I wasn't alive. I sulked in my room for what felt like forever. What do I do? Would Kellin ever forgive me? I read about depressed people who would cut themselves to get rid of their pain and for the most part, I thought it was dumb, but now when I was lonelier and sadder than ever, it seemed like a great idea. I hoped that it would work, that it would ease all my troubles away. I was bringing a blade to my arm but then I stopped. What was I doing?!My hand shook and I threw the blade across the room. I needed to settle this out. I needed to talk to Kellin. I stayed awake all night thinking about what I would say, and I only fell asleep an hour before my alarm clock rang.

When I got to school, I didn't talk to the populars as much as I did the day before. My mind was set on Kellin. But when I got to my class, he wasn't there. Maybe he was just late to school. But then he didn't show up in 4th period. Or 5th. He didn't come to school today. I wondered if he skipped because he didn't want to see me. This is all my fault. All of it. I ignored him, my only friend for popular people that could give me all the friends in the world. But I didn't want that. I wanted Kellin. I wanted to be with him, not a girl I would put off in a month. And I left Kellin for something that I didn't even want. Who was I? I wasn't Vic. Vic would never do something like this. I wanted to be the real Vic again, the one that fell in love with the green eyed boy. And I hoped and prayed that that Vic wasn't already gone.

3 days.
It's been 3 days.
Kellin still isn't here.
I didn't call him since talking over the phone wasn't the same as talking in person. But today I would call him. I would go to his house if he didn't answer. I had gone into deep anxiety ever since this happened. I didn't sleep or eat or talk. I would sit in the darkness of my room and think. Think about how terrible of a person I was. Would I ever find happiness again?
I looked down at the phone in my hand and dialed in the number. Then I waited.
1 ring.
2 rings.
3 rings.
4 rin-
"Hello?" Someone said. It wasn't Kellin's voice though. It was a girl. I wondered if he was cheating on me...
"Uh, hi, can I talk to Kellin?" I said.
"Sorry sir," Sir? Ok this wasn't a girlfriend. "Kellin is in the hospital, he entered a coma 3 days ago."
3 days ago.
The day I did all that shit to him.
I dropped my phone on the ground.
"Sir? Hello?"
But I sprinted out before I could even think. I heard my mom yell my name behind me, but I didn't stop. All I could think about was getting to the hospital. I ran the whole way there, a good mile and a half. The adrenaline kept me going. And the fear. I got there, out of breath and with aching legs. I ran up to the front desk.
"I need to see Kellin Quinn."
"Name please?" The lady at the counter said.
"I'm Vic, his step brother." I lied. I knew they would only let family in, so I went with it. I couldn't pull off being a brother and he did have a stepmom. So it made sense. The lady gave me a questioning look then allowed me to go.
"Wont hurt now. Room 314." She said as I walked out. Her words echoed in my head. 'Wont hurt now.' Kellin was dying. What had happened? Did I do this to him? I rode up the elevator to the third floor. I was panicking all the way up. I slammed my fists on the door and bit my lip to prevent myself from crying. It's not fair! I had it good! And the only thing he had, I ruined!
The elevator opened and I sprinted out. I ran into someone outside and didn't even look back. I didn't care. All I was thinking about was him. I got to the room and stopped outside. He layed still in the sheets of the hospital bed. He almost looked dead. But he wasn't. And he wouldn't die. I took a seat next to his bed. His skin lost colour, besides for the purple bruises and cus everywhere, and his breathing was small. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. I couldn't believe it was real.
"Hey Kellin. It's me - Vic." I started off quietly. My eyes gazed the room. It was plain, something Kellin wouldn't like. He liked things to be distracting and exciting. "I'm probably the last person you'd ever want to see. But I needed to get this off my chest. I'm sorry. That doesn't even begin to say it. I should be dying on this bed, not you. This was all my fault Kellin. All of it. And I deserve to die for it. Not you. You deserve affection and happiness. I hate myself for this Kellin. I hate myself. I ditched the populars at school. I just kinda sit alone now a days. Not even with Justin or any of them. I tried calling you and talking to you at school. But then when I heard you were here, I came instantly. My phone's still on the ground probably. I would've come sooner, but I only found out today. I'd give up my world for you, Kellin. I hope you know that. I would've taken all of this and more to keep you alive. You got more guts that me, kid. I love you, Kellin. Stay strong." I let go of his hand and stood up. At least I got to say my goodbyes. I was a broken soul with no hope. I was ready to die. So this is what Kellin felt huh? When Gabe died. How could he live with that on him? I couldn't bear it. I walked out of the room, tears falling down my face.

((OH SHOOT GUYS. THE NEXT CHAPTER IS THE END AHHHHHH!!! This was was also really short just because I needed it to be since the rest of the story was going to be put into the next chapter, which is probably going to be really long considering its the ending and shit will go down. I might make a post ending chapter though. idk dont forget to vote for my story if you like it :) thanks guys!))

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