23rd July 2018

26 1 0

Dear Dotty , 

     I HAVE SO MUCH TO CATCH YOU UP ON!  So yesterday I had my party!  It was awesome!  I had three friends over.  Two were male and one was a girl.  We played monopoly and uno.  We also played concentration; a game I learned from Shane Dawson's Cat Scratch video!   We all sat around  and talked for hours!  We had a lot of laughs.  And I got some really nice presents. I got two squishies; a unicorn and a koala on a cupcake,  I got a Headache serum and bath sugar!

     Then today I have been very busy helping my parents.  I also got to put to use the headache serum, which is working well!  My sister's therapist  came over also and talked with her for the longest, all while I was working!  Then I was listening to music!  Well Peace out for now!  -5:07

Update! -5:48

     I just talked to my birth mom who I haven't talked to in years.  I found out so much of my life it is insane!  There was so many amazing things I learned, it is crazy!  We talked for a while, she told me about my father, and about my family tree!  I cannot believe it!  It was crazy and so weird.  And it was on my birthday!  It made it even more magical and special!  Peace out for now!


Update! -11:13

     It has been so crazy I got a call out from @TheNerdanionMirror and From Sophie Pecora!  She is an amazing Youtube who sings so well!  And TheNerdanionMirror is an amazing writer!  Today has been so crazy and I feel so sad to have to sign off!  But I am getting tired and I think my day is ending so bye Dotty!  See you later!

Love, Kathrine Morris

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