15 September 2018

9 2 1

Dottie, why the fuck did I even try?  Why would anyone care, why give a shit anymore.  Honestly I want to cry.  Why do I trust in myself to follow through, I can't even kill myself properly, no one enen wants to read this.  if anyone did they would laygh and call me naes anyway.  My sister hates me, I hate me.  I'm a little pussy; scared of everything.  I dream big and set myself up for failure, I just don't unferstand how one can lppk at me and be ikem 'that was a good idea'  I have no right or reason to b alive.  I'm screwed in he fucking head, I want to let my head hang low and show this but I cant.  I have no right, and no one will want to be around me for sure.  

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