27 July 2018

10 1 0

Dear Dotty, 

Today a lot happened.  My adoptive mother threatened to put us back into the system because my sister has bad hygiene.  She had a phone and the number.  It was so scary and it actually scared me.  I started to cry and got very angry.  For the first time in my life I yelled at my mother and slammed a door.  I, end the end was balling on the phone with the mother of the DeVries family.  After this I refused to talk to her and was always on the verge of tears.  Then I had to clean the house for like two hours because family that hates me were coming over.  So then it was now two O'clock in the afternoon.  So we all left for the pool where we stayed 'till six O'clock.  Then I had to clean and watch Parker my great nephew who is two.  It made it very difficult to deal with being grilled for no reason.  It was so annoying.  

Peace out

Love, Kathrine Morris

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