I wasn't sure what felt better, sinking into the COMFORTABLE covers, or being home. I informed my family and everyone I care that I was home. HOME. Such a nice word to hear, wow.

I thought about my situation with Park Jimin, and I realized... he was kinda hot. With those ripped muscles, toned abs, that cute voice. Wait... what was I saying? He was my kidnapper for heck's sake.  -_-

(a/n bold italics is normal jae, italics is suggestive jae)

But... he's hella hot. And cute. And he wasn't that cruel. He didn't hurt you or anything.

What are you saying? HE WAS MY KIDNAPPER!??!?!

Um, mine too! And he was sweet, hot, and I was sure glad it wasn't some old man. I'm glad it was a hot dude.

WHAT ARE YOU SAYING??!?!?!?!? >_<

You like him. Give up the act. Plus, all I'm saying is maybe next time... don't resist so much when he finds you.

Fine. But what do you mean when?

You know he'll find you. ;) Bye.

Oh, god. I liked him, and I needed to tell someone. I pulled out my phone and opened my chat with Yuyu.

fluffybunny: Hey, can you meet me at the cafe soon? We have to catch up.

fluffybunny: I have some tea to spill

-yujinlee-: i can't go out rn gah

Oh, that was great. I would have to spill it here.

fluffybunny: Okay, I'll say it here.

-yujinlee-: spill :')

fluffybunny: I think I might have feelings for Park Jimin

-yujinlee-: paRk jiMIN?

fluffybunny: Yeah...

-yujinlee-: i'm coming over

fluffybunny: What?

-yujinlee-: sweetie i don't think you're okay

-yujinlee-: park jimin kidnapped you and scared us all by doing so, and you're just like 'oh by the way i like this guy?? wow jae, even i didn't see that one coming.

fluffybunny: Well, Yujin, he might be a good person. Better than you think.

-yujinlee-: a good person would just come in and snatch you our of all of our lives, manipulate you into believing your family runs a crime ring?

-yujinlee-: okay i'm sorry but what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

fluffybunny: What the heck is wrong with YOU? You're just jealous, aren't you?

-yujinlee-: and why tf would i be jealous

fluffybunny: Who likes you back, huh?

-yujinlee-: my photographer does.

fluffybunny: Oh wow, your PHOTOGRAPHER! How exciting. Does he happen to have a name?

-yujinlee-: yes, and it's kim taehyung

fluffybunny: What? Like the one at our school?

-yujinlee-: yes, do you know any other kim taehyungs?

-yujinlee-: jae woo, not all of us need someone to kidnap us to give a guy a chance

fluffybunny: You know what? Fine. Be that way.

fluffybunny: Don't text me.

-yujinlee-: wasn't planning on it

I slammed the phone onto my bed, hurt. I was about to drift off, when someone barged the door open. The man of the hour. Park Jimin.

a/n Hey, guys! So, we witness the end of Jae and Yujin's friendship :(. Aghh I copied half of this conversation from Lina's book when I FINALLY got the script goddang it! ANYWAYS, have a great night and smile :)!

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