10: Deaths

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I felt bad about not updating this in a long time, so here you go.

Today's chapter will be on my other favorite thing to write about: character deaths.

If you want a really emotional experience for your readers, kill off some characters in a dramatic way. Works every time.

You should make sure you build up some sort of emotional attachment for the character that you're going to kill before his/her death, though. Otherwise, when the character dies, the readers might just be like "meh".

The way I see it, there are three different kinds of good character deaths. The peaceful death, the plot device death, and the sacrificial death.

First off: the peaceful death. I don't think I had any of these in my books, but an example would be Yoda's death in Return of the Jedi (don't complain about spoilers, that movie came out 35 years ago). People die of old age, so if you have an old character that everyone loves, maybe consider having them die peacefully. Maybe right before the protagonist needs them most :0 That could make your readers emotional, which is always good.

The second type of death is the plot device death. Which sounds cold, but it's true. Sometimes, you just need to kill off a character to get the plot moving. Normally this would be a character that's not too important, but important enough to make things happen.

For example, Porkchops' death in AMS (that book came out almost five years ago so screw off if you're saying spoilers). When he died, Steve decided he had to destroy Mojang to avenge his pet pig. This is what I call a plot device death, as it gave Steve his motive throughout the book.

Last but certainly not least, the sacrificial death. AKA basically everyone's death in TFOM, lmao. These are arguably the most emotional, as the character makes a decision to die in order to help/protect other characters.

I could use basically anyone that died in TFOM as an example, but imma use Blue. He was knocked away from the rest of the Resistance, and was the only one who could save the world by blowing up the doomsday device in the volcano. But to do that, the Resistance wouldn't be able to save him. He decided to do it anyway, and succeeded, while also killing himself. #ripblue

So yes, sacrificial deaths are very emotional. All kinds of deaths are emotional, actually. That's why you should use them to your advantage in your book, because making readers emotional is what makes your book good.

Too attached to your characters to kill them off? Lame.

That's all I have about deaths.

Authors, feel free to leave any advice you have about deaths here.

Fun fact I started this chapter in July and then forgot about it till now

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