Rewatching and Rereading

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I can't help but think that we're together for the same reason I listen to the same CD everyday and have every line of those films mesmerized.

The stories never change -their progression nor endings.

I doubt I would chose to evade the happenings in our own, even if I had known it's fate.

It's comfortable loving you, but I'm not certain I'm in love with you anymore.

Falling out of love with you may have been gradual or maybe it happened all at once and I'm just noticing now.

I can't remember if there was a time where I loved you the way I need to be loved and it faded over time or if I chose to settle.

If I had settled, I can't any longer because I've seen it.

I've seen the way lovers look at each other and how it juxtaposes the way you do me.

I stopped rereading those books and I haven't seen those films in ages,

all that's left is leaving you.

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