Chapter 3 Im ready

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Okay so I can't keep away from this story it's caught my attention and I want to finish so I'm updating again :) I hope you enjoy * brofist*



I was racing through the computers trying to find slenders computer I found it and jump out into his office.

"Hello Benjamin" he says as I enter

"Slender we can't kill her not this one"

"And why not"

"She's diffrent can't we just bring her back her I can mentor her and." I was cut off by slender

"No Benjamin you know the rules"

"Slender please" I begged and pleaded but he just kept telling me about the rules "I know i know!

He sighs the proceeded "Benjamin she can not stay unless she has no other family"

I run out of the room slamming the door shut behind me "ugggg" I yell maybe something could "happen" to them hehe runs back to my room

(Brosia's POV)

I sat on my bed still quite shocked that the cps were real the wanted to kill me but then they didn't? I even confused myself "what's happening to me" I said to my self. I was about to walk out of the room when an arm grabbed me and spun me around "miss me" I hear BEN say as he stares at me. I thought about screaming but he must of seen what I was thinking cause he covered my mouth.

"Please don't scream I won't hurt you" he says in a very sweet almost sad voice "I'm sorry I scared you I'll explain anything you want to know but then you have to do something for me"

"o-okay" I say "first question why did you chose me?"

He looks at me with big eyes like he didn't want to say "n-no reason I just saw you knew a lot about me so I decided to come see you I was gonna kill you but you was asleep and looked so cute and peaceful" he blushed pretty hard to

"Oh second am I gonna die" I said shakiness in my voice

"The depends"

"On what"

"You have to become a cp and kill"

"No! I can't do that"

He grabbed my shoulders and shook me "do you want to die! cause if you don't I suggest you do"

"O-ok" tears rolled down my face the I felt BEN hug me?

"I'm sorry I got you into this I'll help the best I can" he let go and looked at me "the faster we get it done the less antagonizing it will be" I just nodded and got up with him


I nodded and he took me in the computer with him and we went to the mansion. "wait I don't get to say goodbye" He looked at me with sadness "no I'm sorry". We got there in BEN's room and he showed me around and said I have to stay up here and he'll be right back so I waited on his bed. I waited for awhile then I heard that voice again. Jeff's I look back and jump up "w-what do you want" he scares me so bad I hated him. "Am I scarring you" he snickered I shook my head and the he jumped at me causing me to fall and scream he pinned me down and had his knife to my throat. He stopped me from screaming then BEN charged in!


Ohhh Clift hanger lol hope you guys enjoyed I tried again as hard as I can pls comment and like or whatever you want to do no hate *brofist*

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