Chapter 5 The incident

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I am on fire tonight lol I just love this story so much I can't stop here's a longer one for you guys my other ones have BEN so short XD is it only me that saw what I didn't there just me ok *faceplams-*


(Brosia's POV)

I saw two guys in hoodies running straight at me so I scream and one with a mask tackles me. I stare unable to move petrified it's masky masky it's really him and he's on top oh me? He gets up and looks at me blushing

"I'm really sorry miss I didn't see you there till it was to late" masky says

"It's ok man" gets up also and see hoodie standing there as we'll "h-hi I'm Brosia" I say to both of them " sorry for inturupting" then it happens BEN comes running up and I remembered I screamed,

"What happened!!" BEN shouted

"I'm fine BEN I just bumped into masky"

"Oh ok here let's jut go into my room for a bit" I wave by to hoodie and masky and walk with BEN.


We go into my room and sit on the bed

She brakes the silence by saying "today was a crazy day wasn't it"

"Ya" I say in return "and it's just gonna get crazier"

"Ya I bet BEN can I ask you something?"


"Why are you so nice to me"

It's silent for a moment but then I smile and just say "cause I really like you" she stares at me blushing the leans her head on my shoulder

"I like you to BEN" she whispers

we stay like this for awhile till it's time we sleep

"Are you tired" I ask

Ya" yawns

We lay on the bed curled up next to each other and slowly drift to sleep

-next day-

(Brosia's POV)

I wake up in bens arms and I blush a little. I decide to let him sleep so I get out of bed not waking him and I get dressed and everything done with. I go down stairs to see what every one else was doing hoping to god Jeff wasn't down there. I walk down to see Sally, slender, and EJ thank god Jeff sleeps a lot.

"Good morning everyone" I greet everyone and EJ stares at me again I roll it off my shoulder as nothing

"Good morning" they all say "bacon pancakes Brosia?" Sally's asks me

"No thanks I'm a vegetarian" I smile

"Okay" she stuffs her mouth in the cutest way ever I go and sit by EJ

"Hello" I say

"Hi" he says still staring at me

"How are you this morning"

"Good and your really a vegetarian" we go on talking until I see BEN come down and I go up to him.


I wake up seeing Brosias not there so I get up and she comes right up to me.

"Morning sleepy head" she chirps kissing me on the cheek we both blush and walk are separate ways for now. I sit at the kitchen and Brosia sits on the couch talking to EJ. I didn't like this at all you could see EJ clearly liked her but I don't say anything. Jeff came down from upstairs and he talks to me and we both walk out side leaving Brosia and EJ in the living room alone.

(EJ's POV)

As I was talking to her I realized how much I liked her I couldn't stop look at her she's so beautiful my mind lingers off then I see she gets up and goes to the kitchen I follow her thinking this is my chance. As she turns around I grab her pinning her agains the wall

"EJ! W-what are you doing let me do-" I cut her off by kissing her her eyes widened and she tried to resets but I had he stuck in that place.

(Brosia's POV)

He kissed me why the hell is he kissing me I struggle but can't get away he puts me down on the floor still kissing me and he starts GRINDING ME! I struggle as much as I can the need to breath becomes to much and he pulls away then bites and licks my neck leaving a hickey so I take this chance to scream as loud as I can

"BBBEEENN--" I was cut off again by him kissing me and feeling me I felt disgusted and tears start to roll down my cheeks then BEN barges in and sees he tries to pry EJ off of me but can't so Jeff and him have to. When he was off me I ran out the door and into the woods crying.


I hear her scream my name but she was cut off that scared me i ran in as fast as I could and see EJ on her no no I'm not seeing this I rush to help and so does Jeff when we get him off she runs we both chase after her.

"Brosia!" I yell hoping for a response nothing so I kept searching realizing what if Jeff finds her first!

(Jeff's POV)

I was running through the forest when I saw red hair and knew it was her I go up to her and she flips out she was sitting on a rock by a stream crying.

"Brosia?" She sees me and stares in shook confusion scaredness and sadness

"No get away please I don't want to be hurt anymore!" She sobs uncontrollably I get closer and she flips out even more so I make her go to sleep (I don't kill her just a spell) and bring her back

"BEN!" I shout he comes up and takes her

"Thanks" he said

"No prob now I'm gonna go kick EJs ass" walks away


I lay her on my bed and watch her waiting till she wakes up that's when I notice the hickey and got infuriated. As I calm down she wakes up bolting up fast shaking and sweating.

"Shhh it's ok" I hug her

She looks at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen "t-that monster" she stammered while crying again

"It's ok we're dealing with him he won't ever come near you again I promise" I say as she snuggles real close to me sniffling I keep hugging her and rocking back and forth calming her down.

(Brosia's POV)

I slowly remembered all the things that perv did and how I thought he was nice a funny guy I hate him I hate this mansion! I snuggled with BEN trying to get my mind off things I was thinking and I slowly felt myself dozing off next thing I know EJs on top of me again but this time he doesn't have a shirt on and neither do I and he starts reaching for my pants I jolt up as fast as I can waking up.

"Ahhhh" I scream

"Shhh it was just a dream" BEN cooed trying to soothe me. All I knew was I was gonna get revenge and it was gonna be good

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