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Stalker! Chris au
Regular Sebastian
------Sebs pov -----

Well hi my name is Sebastian Stan and I am currently in the backseat of my stalker ex boyfriends car. If you're thinking what I think you are, yes he kidnapped me and held me at gun point while doing so. How did I end up in this situation? Well it all started a few months ago...

Six months earlier

" hello beautiful" I say to a woman at a bar giving her a smile.

" well hello to you too. But sweetheart I don't play for your team." She gives me a smile with a wink.
" I know I just want someone to talk to is all. I don't play for the straight team either hun. " I take a sip of my whiskey.

" okay then I guess I can keep you company. " she smiles and we make casual conversation as I see a really good looking guy across the dance floor.

" do you know who that is?" I gesture to the blonde tall and handsome.

" that my friend is a crazy. But if you want to risk everything his name is Chris. " Marina said I keep looking at him and he gives me a wink making me blush and look away.

" how is Chris crazy?" I look at Marina for an answer.

"The last guy he picked up here hasn't come back. And Chris has a schedule of being here. He comes in Friday and Sunday nights. From nine to closing. He always gets someone home with him though. Be careful it's beast to not even try with him. " she gives me a look.

"Why is he still aloud here then?" I ask licking my lips.

"No one knows. My girlfriend won't even come here with me anymore because of him. He gives her the creeps. " she says taking a sip of her Manhattan.

" oh..." he was way to incising, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

" if you want crazy go ahead just know that I warned you seb." I hear Marina say as I'm walking towards him. Once I get up to him he starts talking to me.

" hi there, I'm Chris" he gives me a small smile.

" I'm Sebastian. " I say with a flirtatious smile. Biting my lip before taking a sip of my drink.

" good to know. So what is a handsome guy like you doing in a dim place like this?"

" well I could ask you the same thing sweetheart. But if you must know I'm here lookin for a good time. "

" well I think you came to the right person baby. " I fell his hand on mine he bring it up to his lips kissing my knuckles.
I almost fainted right there how can this guy be bad? He's so freaking cute and gentlemanly and just.

" what do you say we get outta here? Grab a bite of real food and see where the night takes us "

" that sounds like a great idea Chris. When to?"

" you like pizza?"

" who doesn't?"

We walk out going to a near by pizza parlor getting a slice.

" so tell me about yourself Sebastian, what do you like doing?"

I almost said guys like you but I restrained myself from doing so.

" I'm an actor actually. I play Tj in political animals. And a few other characters in various shows and movies. What about yourself?" I take a bite trying my best not to let the stringy cheese get on my shirt and chin.

" well I'm an photographer, artist and musician. The last two are more of hobbies" he smiles

"Oh, what's you're favorite to take pictures of?"

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