So this is love?

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We're just gonna act like Cinderella came out in the 30s. Okay? Okay.
Steve and Bucky go to see a new film that just came out and while in the theater they realize somethings
Also steves a f-ing idiot in this
Steves pov

I felt Buckys foot steps through the apartment. He had heavy feet considering how heavy his boots were. I start shading the drawing I was working on currently. Of course it was a picture of Bucky holding a flower out to a lady with his signature charming smile. I sigh, I always felt so odd around him. I always blushed when he cuddled up to me in the night when it was both cold or hot. I would blush around him in general it was weird.
"Okay ,okay Buck jeez no need to yell." I laugh shutting the sketchbook quickly.
"Sorry I'm excited is all. You know me. " He smiles brightly, eyes crinkled and closed the dimple in his chin going slightly deeper. His features were even more pronounced, making him even more gorgeous.
'Gorgeous really? Wouldnt handsome be more suitable? But hes flawless so gorgeous is a better word Steve'
"What time do you want to go Buck?"
" I was thinkin later tonight, because two guys going to see a walt movie seems kind of queer ya know?" He scratches the back of his head looking away from me.
"Okay sounds good to me Buck just tell me a little before so I can get dressed okay?"
" The 11 o'clock showing. Thats the last showing and hardly anyone will be there."
I nod
"Sounds good Buck, but what time do you want to head out?" He looks over at the clock,
" I guess 9 or 10 depending on how long you take." He smirks with a laugh
" I dont take as long as you do you slow ass. " I shoot back at him. He puts a hand to his chest falling to his knees faking being shot.
"Ugh steve help me! Ive been shot burned by the fire of youre sarcasm!" He falls all the way back on to his back. I laugh standing up walking over to him and sitting on my knees next to him.
"You good buck?" Before I knew it I was in the air and over Bucky's shoulder.
"Bucky! Put me down!" He laughed tossing me on the bed before laying next to me.
"No you must heal me! Only cuddles can heal me now I'm to far gone" he faked an old man voice. He wrapped his arms and legs around me making it hard to squirm away. I gave up laughing.
"You big oaf get off me! " He was still laughing.
" I literally cannot believe you fell for that! I used that when we were 12!" He laughed harder.
"Buck calm down jeez kid" he planted a kiss on my forehead getting up still giggling to himself.
"Go get ready stevie" I felt my face heat up after he left.
I got dressed in my usual clothes. A plain button up and slacks. I grab my jacket and head out to the living room area, Bucky was in the kitchen just staring off into the distance. He did that sometimes, you usually have to shake him out of it. He gets lost in his own mind a lot and it's hard to make him leave that place.
"Hey c'mon big guy lets catch the last train" I hug him from behind startling him enough to get him out of his head.
"Yeah c'mon stevie" he smiled wide and bright again

We got to theater 5 mimtues before the show started. Buckys arm thrown over my shoulder like usual.
"You excited for this movie Stevie?"
"You know it bucko!" I say, he hates that nickname
"Stevie whhyy!"
"Because I like it" I pay for  our tickets and and we head into the already dark theater.
"Well I like you" he whispered
"I like you too bucky boy" I joke
We sit down in the very back corner The movie starts playing and I become enveloped into the movie.
I felt a hand go over mine. I felt heat rise to my face, and look over at him he was staring at me. I felt myself flush even more at that.
" buck whats up?" I whisper
He just shakes his head intertwining our fingers, looking back at the screen.

So this is love? Mmmhmmm.
So this is love

I look at buck for a second he looks over at me.

So this is what make life devine

I felt my self swallow

I'm all a glow


and now I know the key heaven is mine

He leans in closer pressing his finger to my lips

my heart has wings and i can fly

"Damn thats how I feel is this?" I think to myself

I'll touch every star in the sky

His hand came to cup my jaw. I looked at his lips for a moment and he looked at mine.

so this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of.

He leans in pressing his soft yet firm lips against mine.

so this is love.

He pulls away still holding my jaw with a small smile in his face.
I grab his tie and pull him in for a quick peck on the lips and then go back to watching the movie.

This is love " I think to myself with a smile.

Hey guys im sorry its been awhile I just havent been able to really update anything due to school. But summer is literally around the corner so hopefully all goes well. Hope you liked it!

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