I love you

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Credit to the owner of of the pic I found on tumbler.

40s au
No war just happy times
" Bucky where are we going?" I heard the voice of the man I was dragging behind me.
" dancing Steve I already told you. " I roll my eyes and continue walking towards the two dames I got for us
" Hey Bucky! Hi Steve!" The blond said hello to Steve and the brunette said hello to me.
" hey lady's ! Who's up for some dancing ?" Both girls of course raise their hand excitedly  I give them my signature smile with a wink.

Steve was being a good sport even though the girls were all over me and not him I felt kinda bad. So when we got home I made a plan, because Steve didn't know how to dance I would teach him when we got home. So he'd have a partner.

As the night grew and Steve have had a couple drinks we decided to head home back to our apartment. The girls and us spilt when they caught a cab home. I made it a mission to get Steve and I home or to the beach to watch the sun rise. I know it sounds a little cheesy but he's my best friend and every once in awhile we go to the beach. I figured tonight would be any different.

" hey Steve which would you prefer the beach or home?" I look over at my small friend. He was a good lookin kid I'm not gonna lie.
Steve took a second to answer.
" I think home would be best buck, not that I don't want to go to the beach but we've or should I say I've had a long night. " he walks in the direction of our apartment.
" oh okay then I just thought it would be cool to watch the sunrise is all. But my bed sounds nice and the sand at the beach sucks. " I laugh off my disappointment and put on a smile.

I saw Steve at the door looking for the key I heard him let out a grunt of frustration.
" hey hot shot check under the door mat. I whisper from behind him not wanting to wake the neighbors even though they're up and moving around at 2 in the morning. Steve gave me a look when a loud moan echoed from the apartment next to us.
" let's just uhm oh my god buck it's happening again. " his face turned bright red and so did mine. We look at their door and hear thudding against the wall.
My eyes widen at what we're both hearing.
" this is mentally scarring. " I felt my face contort into a look of disgust.
" let's just go inside and turn on the radio yeah?" We both rush inside and lock the door behind us I quickly walk over the radio and turn it up so we couldn't hear them anymore.
" Steve come dance with me " it was one of our favorite songs. He shook his head.
" come on you know you want to. " I wink at him. He still said no, I sigh walking over to him and pick him up bringing him dance with me. He starts laughing
" Bucky put me down ! " his smile was wide he was happy again. And if he's happy I'm happy.
" I wanna teach you how to dance. " I set him down.
" fine just I think they're done wanna turn down the- " he was cut off by a knock on the door.
I turn off the radio and take my sweet time walking over to the door.
I open it to see our neighbor covered in blood. I think it was his. I hope to god it was his.
" help it's my wife she she call 911 please hurry "he fell and I caught him in turn getting blood everywhere. I set him down gently on the ground , I ran over to the phone calling the police station luckily they had someone patrolling the area who saw him at our door step. They sent for an ambulance and firemen the usual
" Bucky what happened?!" Steve looked horrified. I looked down seeing my shirt and arms were bloody I started hyperventilating.
" I I don't know Steve Steve I'm I think I'm ." Everything went black.
I woke up in a different shirt and in bed I saw Steve sitting in a chair next to me his head was on the bed using his arms as a pillow he was asleep. I gently shake him to wake him up. I heard a groan
" not yet it's to early buck."
" I mean I passed out and now I'm awake you should be too. " I smiled

“ no” he repeated nestling farther into his arms.

“ doll c’mon you gotta get up sweetheart.” I ran a hand through his blonde hair, pulling it slightly getting the knots out.

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