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Bucky sees all the guys getting drafted and knew it was just a matter of time before they called on him too. So deciding agaisnt his better judgment he asks steve to run away with him. Not really ask but more of got "lost" and went to somewhere else.
Pre serum pre war
Please listen to c'mon by panic at the disco while listening to this because it gace me this idea and yeah (also its a fantastic song)
Buckys pov

I look down the street from steve and I's fire escape. It was dawn the sun barly raising above the horizon. I take a match box and a cigarette out of my pajama pocket. Striking the match agaisnt the box, setting it a flame. I place the cigarette inbetween my lips lighting it before the fire burns my fingers. I shake it out before tossing it down in the street. I take a long drag.

"Buck?" I hear a soft yawn behind me from the window, I turn around seeing steve rubbing his eye with the heal of his hand, hes wearing the shirt I had on yesterday it was slightly buttoned up and went sown to about the middle of his thighs the collar hung off of his sharp shoulder.

" hey sweetheart I'm out here." I say quietly smiling at my fella. God, I really get to call him mine now. We made it offical yesterday after a night of well, uh, you know. Antics.

" what are ya doin up so early?" He climbs out the window and softly pads over to me.

" I have work today doll, " he sat down leaning his head on my shoulder. I lean my head onto his nuzzling his soft blonde hair with my nose

" did you really mean it last night. When you said you loved me?" I stopped for a second frowning into his hair.

" of course I did steve why would you think otherwise?"

" because, I don't know its just," he paused leaning up to look at me

" because I don't want you to regret this. Us. Ya know we aren't, guys with fellas aren't taken kindly anywhere." He whispered the last part.

" Steven grant rogers, I love you, and I will never regret anything we do. Ever. And guess what my love, what we do in our home is no ones business. If I wanna ravish you until you cant stop smiling and blushing in the living room then I wont." He leaned in kissing me softly. We pull away after a moment going back with our heads on one anothers. We stayed like that until we saw the first car come down the street. We went inside after that. I left an hour after, heading down to the docks almost late courtesy of Steve and his mouth. Not what you think he started pickin a fight with our neighbor after they said steve was a kid and a twink. That was a fun time.

"Morning fellas" I say giving a quick smile over at my small group of friends. I started work.

We got our lunch break, finally.

" Hey barnes have ya heard bout the drafts?" I fur my eyebrows looking over and John.

"The armys sending drafts now?" John gives a nod.

"I got mine yesterday, leavin my gal behind won't be so bad heard the gals out there are a whole lot prettier" we heard a cough and a clearing of throat behind us we both turn to see none other then John's gal Mary.

"Oh really? Well that must mean I can get with Barnes then Johnny, hes a whole lots better lookin then you!" She stormed off and john went running after her. I just laughed.

"Dumbass" I took a bite of my sandwich thinking about the drafts. I chewed the bite I just took quickly feeling my stomache go in knots I take a shaky deep breath. I set the sandwich down running to the trash can puking my guts out. I hold on to it like a life line.

"Barnes! Go home man! We don't want your sick ass here!" I heard my boss yell out of his office i gave him a weak thumbs up I end up unbuttoning my shirt taking off my under shirt to wipe my mouth throwing it away putting my button up back on. I walk over to my locker collecting my things. I stand there for a bit staring at its contents.

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