Chapter 1

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A date? Me on a date? This man want me take me on a date. Why? Is he ill? What is wrong with him? He is basically trying to force me to go, I am an independent woman and no one makes me do what I do not want to do. Something is definitely wrong with him if he wants waste his time on me. HA, definitely a mad man.

After leaving University, I went on to get my doctorate specialising in forensic science. I work with the law enforcement in my area and I occasionally participate in clinical researches. The solitude of the lab being my safe haven. I do not have to socialise unless it is absolutely necessary. I live a secluded hermit lifestyle and I love it. I see my family for a week during the holidays and my best friend every other weekend. It is a mystery how I got a best friend but I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Alexa understands in a way my parents do not. She knows I am like a turtle that loves its shell but would come out once in a while. When I do come out my first instinct is wanting to go back in but when I am with her I can tolerate the outside world.

I don't have any social media except LinkedIn and that is strictly for professional purposes. It helps me find interesting clinical researches and helps me share new findings more intimately with the scientific world. I work six times a week, I don't have to work on Saturdays but I choose to.

Avoiding socialisation is second nature to me. Most people have learnt to just let me be. They understand that I do not want to interact beyond what is necessary, any invitations to events requires that I be told a minimum of 2 weeks in advance or I will not show up.

I love being by myself but I'm not crazy enough be constantly idle so I pack my schedule. People would say that my schedule is filled with things that can easily be dropped or moved but I am strict with it. If I have planned to read all day then that it what I will be doing. If the day has been divided between work and shopping or going to the gym, then there is no deviating from it. I do not like my schedule being interrupted.


I look up from my microscope and see the message on phone. I have to look around to make sure that no one else was in the room and mistakenly switched phones because I do not get such text messages. Picking up the phone I turn it around to be certain that it is indeed mine.

'Who is this?' I reply.

My phone might just have been hacked. Alexa could never invite me out on such short notice and my parents know better plus they are in a whole other country.


This is getting creepy 'Who is this? I don't know you or what you are talking about'

I wait for about five minutes and when I don't get a reply I call Alexa.

"Alexa, are you pranking me or something?" I ask as soon as she picks up the phone

"Hello to you too Vy. And to what do I owe this beautiful phone call?"

"Are you pranking me? And if you are it is not funny. You've thrown me off my work" I say in a quick breath

"What are you talking about? Are we five again why would I be pranking you?" I know she is rolling her eyes

"Someone texted me and if it wasn't you then something is wrong. I've probably been hacked. I need to change my phone. Oh my goodness, I probably shouldn't be using the phone the hacker could be listening"

"Vy, hold on. Let's get somethings clear first, before you check yourself into police protection. What did the text say?"

"It said I am picking you up tomorrow at one and I asked who it was and they said something and then I asked again who it was and they still haven't replied"

"What was the something they said?" I read the second message to her and I was met with the sound of obnoxious laughter.

"Remind me to also laugh when your life could be in possible danger"

"" she said as she tried to calm her howling

"I don't think you've been hacked Vy. It is probably Leo"


"Yeah. Leo from my wedding"

"Your wedding was months ago. I do not keep strangers in mind for that long. You'll have to explain further" I rolled my eyes

"Leo is Ethan's cousin but you met him way before the wedding. You might remember him as the guy who called you a...what exactly did he say again...oh yeah, a cock-blocking shadow. But that was a lifetime ago and he is more mature and sensible nowadays"

"THAT GUY!!! Yes I remember him now and if I remember correctly it was my conniving so called best friend that gave him my number. I had forgotten all about it and your wedding was 6 months ago why would he contact me. I was hoping he had forgotten me as I have done the same"

"Well I know he had to travel abroad almost immediately after the wedding. To be honest I thought you guys were at least talking because he was very adamant about getting your number. I would have asked you but I was rushing and it was busy and a honeymoon was waiting for me" excuses excuses if Alexa doesn't want to do something she wouldn't.

"At least I know I have not been hacked. And no I am not going on the date. One - I am not interested. Two - his message is late and at short notice and my schedule is already planned"

"Tomorrow is Saturday. You're the only one on the planet who voluntarily gives up her Saturdays to do more work. Sometimes you have to toss that bloody schedule out of the window, you won't die if you do something unorthodox. Vy, just go on the date. Leo is a really lovely guy, I know your first impression was bad but give him another chance"

"First of all, my job catches criminals and I love what I do. Stop hounding me about dating but just because I am an awesome person and so forgiving I will give him a chance and go on a date. One date two weeks" I hang up the phone after that not ready to be lectured about being rigid.

Texting who I now know is Leo 'I know who you are and why you are messaging me. You do not just infringe on my time and schedule without permission and accurate planning. It doesn't work that way with me. So you will not be picking me up tomorrow. Just like everyone else any invitation sent to me must be done a minimum of two weeks beforehand. So I will see you in two weeks for our "date". If they are changes that need to be made do inform me as soon as possible. Furthermore, I wish to not be disturbed by you for the next two weeks. - Dr Violet'


This time his reply was quick and not as carefree. Well, that is not my problem as long as we have come to a mutual understanding.

And this is how I found myself questioning the sanity of this man. I have a date in two weeks. I have never dated in my 25 years of life, two weeks is not enough time to prepare for this. Oh God.

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