IV. Talks

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I sat at the breakfast table, tiredly eating my plate of hash browns. Frank sat beside me, eating his own breakfast. His hand was placed on my thigh, holding my hand tightly.

I rested my head on Frank's shoulder. Frank kissed the top of my head and murmured encouragement into my hair. Frank had spent most of last night with me, comforting me.

"- the House of Hades," Jason was saying. "Nico?"

Nico leaned forward. "I talked with the dead last night. I was able to learn what we'll face. In ancient times, the House of Hades was a big site for Greek pilgrims. They would go to speak with the dead and honor their ancestors."

Leo frowned. "That sounds like Día de los Muertos. My Aunt Rosa was serious about that stuff."

Frank grunted softly. "Chinese people have that, too - worshipping the ancestors, sweeping graves in the spring." Frank glanced at Leo. "Your Aunt Rosa would've gotten along with my grandma."

I almost laughed at the idea of an old Chinese woman and a Latina woman in rocking chairs screaming at each other. That would almost be as funny as seeing my dad try to cook anything besides Schnitzel.

"Yeah," Leo said. "I'm sure the would have been best friends."

Nico cleared his throat. "A lot of cultures have seasonal traditions to honor the dead, but the House of Hades was open year-round. Pilgrims actually spoke to the ghosts. In Greek, the place was called the Necromanteion, the Oracle of Death. You'd work your way through the different levels of tunnels, leaving offerings and drinking special potions -"

"Special potions," Leo muttered. "Sounds delicious."

I elbowed Leo hard. "Nico, ignore this idiot."

"The pilgrims believed that each level of the temple brought you closer to the Underworld, until the dead appeared before you," Nico continued. "If they were pleased with your offerings, they'd answer your questions and maybe tell your future."

I tapped my cup of hot chocolate. "And if the spirits weren't pleased?"

"Some found nothing," Nico said. "Some went insane, or died after leaving. Others got lost in the tunnels and weren't seen again."

"The point is," Jason quickly said, "Nico found info that might help us."

"Yeah." Nico didn't sound excited. "The ghost I spoke to last night . . . he was a former priest of Hecate. He confirmed what Hecate told Hazel yesterday at the crossroads." Nico glanced at me. "She also said Esmeralda brought back a power from the Underworld, one that could help greatly with the quest. A spirit of some sort. One that could help with what she said was in store.

"Hecate said that in the first war, she fought for the gods. She slew one of the giants."

"The anti-Hecate," I muttered, interrupting Nico. "The giant named Clytius."

"Dark dude," Leo guessed. "Wrapped in shadows."

Hazel looked at Leo. "How'd you know that?"

"I had a dream."

No one was surprised. We all had dreams. Mine were mostly warnings from Hecate. But after getting out of Tartarus, they've been getting worse and worse.

We listened to Leo as he explained his recent dreams. I stared at the images of Camp Half-Blood on the wall. I realized it was the 4th of July yesterday. Even though I was a true German at heart, I absolutely loved the 4th of July.

Jason shoved his pancakes away. "So the giant is Clytius. I suppose he'll be waiting for us at the Doors of Death."

Frank continued eating his pancakes. "And the woman in Leo's dream?"

I twirled a knife between my fingers. "She's the problem of Hazel and I. Hazel told me what Hecate said. Hecate said there was a witch who couldn't be defeated except by us two, by using magic."

"Hazel, do you even know magic?" Leo asked.

"Not yet."

"That's why I'm here," I replied. "My mom wouldn't have pulled me out of the Underworld so soon if Hazel didn't need me." I looked directly at Hazel, meeting her gaze. "Hazel, I'll be your teacher. I'm your best option at the moment."

Hazel nodded. "Thank you, Ezzy. I appreciate."

"Any idea who this witch is?"

"Only that . . ." Hazel's eyes met Nico's for a moment. "Only she won't be easy."

"If it's who I think it is," I said, "then she won't be easy at all. She's the worst thing I've ever heard of. The giant, though, is that Clytius was burnt to death by Hecate's torches. Fire is his weakness, I guess."

Everyone looked at Leo.

"Oh," Leo said. "Okay."

"It's a good lead," Jason insisted. "At least there's a way to kill the giant. And the sorceress . . . well, if Hecate believes Hazel and Ezzy can defeat her, then so do I."

I ran my hand through my hair stressfully. I didn't want to deal with what was going on. I felt Frank place a hand on my leg. I looked at him and saw he had a worried expression on his face.

I squeezed his hand, giving him a smile. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll be fine," I whispered.

Hazel dropped her gaze. "Now we have to reach the House of Hades, fight our way through the Gaea's forces -"

"And a bunch of ghosts," Nico grimly added, "which probably aren't friendly."

"- and find the Doors of Death," Hazel finished. "Assuming we can somehow arrive at the same time as Annabeth and Percy."

"I might be able to help with that," I said quietly.

"What?" Piper asked. "How?"

I looked up at Piper and the rest of the group. "I can send a message telepathically. Kinda like an Iris message. It's really easy to do. I think I can send one to Annabeth."

"When were you going to tell us about this?" Jason demanded.

Piper placed a hand on Jason's arm. "Let Ezzy finish."

I sent a glare at Jason before looking away. "I didn't think it was possible to send one from so far away, especially when the person is in Tartarus, but I think I can do it."

Piper reached and placed a hand on mine. "You can do it, Ezzy. I believe in you. We all do."

I nodded and stood. "I'll take my leave. It's going to take a while to prepare. See you later, guys."

I left the mess room, heading for my room. I tied my hair up as I entered my room. I had to collect a lot of things to be able to send a message. Especially like the one I was going to send.

It took crystals, sage, water, and many other things. I collected everything kneeled in front of a mirror. I put everything together and sat crossed legged. I placed my hand in the water and cleared my thoughts. I couldn't be distracted during the session.

Spirit of the Panther (House of Hades/Frank Zhang Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now