IX. One For The Team

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I felt anxiety roll off of Hazel in waves. The ground trembled and jewels popped out of the ground. The ground was soon covered in ancient money, gold jewelry, diamonds, topaz, and rubies.

Sciron laughed. "How did you do that?"

Hazel didn't answer. I looked down at coins. I could feel them and not feel them at the same time. It was a funky feeling.

"Just take the treasure," Hazel said. "Let us go."

Sciron laughed. "Oh, but I did say all your valuables. I understand you're holding something very important on your ship. Something ivory, gold, and statue-like. I'd say it's about forty feet tall?"

The hair on the back of my neck bristled. He couldn't have the statue. Not on my watch.

Jason took a step forward. "That statue's not negotiable."

"You're right!" Sciron exclaimed. "I've got to have it."

"Gaea ordered you to take it," Hazel guessed.

"Maybe." Sciron shrugged. "She told me I could keep it. Hard to pass! I don't want to die again."

My mind shifted. I was on the ship with the others. Frank was pacing, Piper was tapping her foot rapidly, and Leo was trying to fix things. I kept listening to Jason and Hazel but focused on the Argo II.

I took a deep breath and started helping Leo fix the ship. It was a few minutes before Piper noticed I wasn't with Hazel and Jason.

"What are you doing down here, Ezzy?" Piper asked. "Is Jason and Hazel okay?"

I nodded. "They're just fine. I'm still keeping an eye on them. Don't worry."

"How is it going with the bandit?" Frank asked.

I checked in for a moment. "Just fine."

Piper sighed. "Good. I'm glad."

"They're almost done." I smiled to myself. "Hazel's finally understanding what to do know."

"Really?" Frank asked.

I nodded. "She's doing just fine. I don't need to help her."

I helped Leo fix things and when we were down, I leaned against the railing. Frank stood next to me, facing the sea.

"What do you want to do?" Frank asked. "Once Hazel and Jason get down here and we leave."

I shrugged. "I don't know. We could talk. I like spending time with people I know. We don't even have to talk."

Frank gave me a bewildered look. "I don't think we should do that kind of stuff."

I shoved Frank softly and smiled. "Not that. I meant to sit in silence or sleep. I don't want to have sex now or ever."

"Why not?" Frank asked.

I shrugged. "I just don't feel sexual attraction but I feel romantic. It's called asexuality. It's kinda hard to explain when you're not ace. I'm just who I am."

Frank grabbed my hand and smiled at me. "I believe you and I understand. You're still attracted to me and that's important."

I smiled. "It is. I'm glad you know that and you understand. I trust you. Relationships are built on trust."

Frank wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. "I agree, Ezzy."

I wrapped my arms around Frank's waist. Frank kissed the top of my head as we stood there quietly. I looked up at the sky and I saw a small body soaring through the air. I gasped and pointed at it.

"That's Sciron!" I exclaimed. "Hazel did it!"

Leo cheered. "That's my girl!"

Piper grinned. We all cheered for Hazel and watched the cliff. A few minutes later, we spotted Hazel and Jason start climbing down the cliff. We waited for them to climb down.

Once Hazel and Jason set foot on the ship, we surrounded them. We all congratulated them on beating Sciron.

When everyone finished speaking, Hazel looked at me. "You were right, Ezzy. I could do it. I can use the Mist."

I smiled. "I knew you could do. I always felt it in you. You just didn't think you could and that stopped you from doing it."

"Thank you," Hazel said.

I nodded. "No problem."

Hazel hugged me. "You're an amazing person, Ezzy, and I'm glad you believed in me."

I hugged Hazel back. "You're just doing what you're meant to do, Hazel. I can train you to do better if you wish."

"Please," Hazel said, pulling away. "I want to learn how to control magic."

I grinned. "Then it's a deal."

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