X. Teaching

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I sat in front of Hazel. She held out her hands and I pressed mine into hers. We immediately stood in an empty field.

Hazel looked around. "Where are we?"

"What does it look like?" I asked. "This is where we're going to train."

"Why here?" Hazel asked.

"Because it's empty and there's nothing here to distract you," I responded. "Hold your hands out."

Hazel did as she was told.

"Focus," I said. "Imagine a blue field around your hands."

A blue field surrounded Hazel's hands and she smiled. It expanded and surrounded Hazel. She held her hands to her sides, holding the field around her.

Hazel giggled. "This is so cool, Ezzy. I love this!" The field dissipated. "What's next?"

"I'm going to teach you how to reach out with your senses," I replied. "It's an easy thing to do and very useful."

Hazel nodded, seeming very interested. "I'm ready. Let's do it."

"Close your eyes," I commanded. "Feel your surroundings and listen. Reach out and see what's out there."

Hazel smiled. "I see the edge of the field."

"Good," I said. "Go farther. What do you see?"

Hazel's mouth opened slightly. "I see a town. It's small and there are people."

"Look farther," I said. "What else?"

"I can't see much farther," Hazel replied.

"That's okay." I was about to say something else when I heard Piper. I took Hazel and I out of the vision and looked up. Jason was falling out of the sky. My arm shot out and a portal appeared below Jason. He went through and I opened a portal a few feet above the ship. Jason landed with a thumb on the ship.

Piper shouted and rushed to Jason's side. We all gathered him. Piper was on her knees, shaking Jason. He groaned and his eyes fluttered open.

"What happened?" Piper asked.

Jason groaned again. "Vacuum happened and I had a dream when I passed out. I'll explain later."

Jason got up with the help of Piper. He took Leo off to the side and talked to him in a low voice.

I turned back to Hazel and smiled. "Want to continue?"

Hazel nodded. "Of course."

"For using the Mist," I said, "you have to read the minds of your opponents. It's actually easy to read minds. Do you want to learn?"

Hazel nodded. "It seems like a useful skill."

"It is," I said. "Now look into my eyes. What do you hear?"

Hazel focused hard. I could hear her thoughts clearly and she wasn't getting it right.

"Not like that, Hazel," I said. "Don't focus too hard. You won't get it if you do it like that. Ease into it and open your mind."

Hazel nodded and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. I could feel her reaching out and read my mind. I read hers and saw how excited she was.

Hazel's eyes flew open and she beamed, jumping up and down. "I did it! I did it, Ezzy!"

I grinned. "Good job, Hazel. Keep using that skill. It will continue to grow stronger."

Hazel bounced on her toes, grinning like a madman. "Thank you so much, Ezzy. I could hug you."

I opened my arms. "What's stopping you?"

Hazel flung herself into my arms. I hugged her tightly and rocked us back and forth. Hazel laughed and I could read her happy and excited thoughts.

Jason called for us. "It's lunchtime!"

Hazel and I ended our lesson and joined the others. Frank already had a plate ready for me. Jason began telling us about his midflight dream.

Piper shook her head, amazement written all over her face. "A note from Annabeth. "I don't see how that's possible, but if it is-"

I picked a fry off my plate. "It is. Very rare, since demigods don't usually make it to Tartarus, but it is. Pass the hot sauce."

Frank handed me some Tabasco sauce. "I still can't believe Reyna would try to find us. It's taboo, coming to the Ancient Lands. She won't be a praetor anymore."

"If she lives," Hazel said. I could feel her reaching out to read minds. "It was hard enough for us to make it with all of us. Reyna's coming alone."

"That's not going to be safe," Piper said. "I believe Reyna can do it but it's going to be hard."

"I believe she can do it too," Hazel said. "I've always believed in her. She's strong."

My eyes glazed over for a second. "She will come. I can see it. She will be a vital part of our quest. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano will help defeat Gaea."

Spirit of the Panther (House of Hades/Frank Zhang Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now