XVII. Battle of the Witches Pt 2

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Idla appeared my side. I'm here, Esmeralda.

I placed my hand on her shoulders. Thank you, Idla. Help us.

Of course, Idla replied. I will give you my strength and my will

We were in the Maze. I knew that from my days from the whole lightning thief situation. I still knew Pasiphaë and Clytius were standing nearby.

I reached forward to press my hand against the wall. It felt real but it was all the Mist. It twisted everyone's sense of reality.

Leo touched the wall. "What the heck? Where are we?"

"The Labyrinth," I replied. I came to a realization. "Pasiphaë is remaking the Labyrinth."

"What?" Leo turned to me and frowned. "I thought I collapsed. Wasn't it connected to Daedalus's life force or something?"

I saw Pasiphaë shake her head through the Mist. I could see through her creation. Idla looked up at me expectantly, like of course, you can, you idiot. I took a deep breath looked at her.

Pasiphaë clucked her tongue. "Ah, but I am still alive. You credit Daedalus but I breathed magic into his Labyrinth. He was nothing compared to me - immortal sorceress, daughter of Helios, sister of Circe! The Labyrinth is my domain now."

"It's an illusion," Hazel insisted, though she wasn't quite right. "We just have to break it."

Pasiphaë shook her head. "Too late, my dear. The maze is already awake. It will spread under the earth once again. You demigods will wander the halls, dying slowly. If I'm merciful, you will die quickly."

I sensed her next move and got into her mind. I made her see the hole in the ground open up and the three of us split up. I knew I couldn't Pasiphaë with willpower. I had to make it look like I was suffering.

"Ezzy!" Leo and Hazel screamed in Pasiphaë's mind.

"Go!" Fake-me yelled. "I'll do fine."

Hazel, listen, I said. I got this. Try to throw her off. I'll have help from Idla. Let her think she's winning.

Hazel nodded and grabbed Leo's hand. I turned the other way and thought this through. The walls were magic. I could go through.

I reached out and my hand went through the wall. I smiled and opened a new path for myself. I made it so I looked like I was terrified as I faced a hall full of gas. I was having too much fun with this.

I walked down this path with Idla walking at my side. I heard Pasiphaë cackle and I looked at what she saw. She saw Hazel and Leo dodging spikes and leaping pits.

I made the path curve towards Pasiphaë and I saw Hazel doing the same. She was still holding onto Leo's hand.

I imagined the walls closing in on me and I started running, Idla bounding at my side. She roared in approval and I laughed. I was in my element.

The tunnel opened up and I lept at Pasiphaë. I tackled her to the ground and we rolled. I ended up on top and I pointed a knife at top of her. She bared her teeth at me.

I sensed Hazel and Leo coming down on top of us and I redirected them to beside us. I saw Idla sit a few feet away, looking very pleased with herself.

"You miserable wretches!" Pasiphaë screeched.

The maze was gone. A few feet away, Clytius was watching the doors away. We had about thirty seconds before our friends showed up. I felt thrilled, with zero exhaustion plaguing me. It most have been Idla helping me.

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