Chapter Four:

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Aj's POV:

Some part of me regretted saying what I did to PhiI. I felt like I had no control over my own body, which was probably true. I had no clue what I was saying or doing. Mind me saying this but I felt like the queen of sluts, constantly dating hot guys. I wish my brain would just cooperate!

"I love you Aj, and I will never let go of that promise," My first thought was, God, it's not like I've heard that one before. But his tone was so gentle, it made me want to wrap myself in his delicate arms.

"But-" I paused, biting my lip. "I don't know if I can trust you! After all the terrible things we went through."

"Come on Aj, don't say that! You know you love me, now will you just listen?" He shouted in a demanding tone. He was forcing me into this bullshit, but what was I supposed to say in front of all these people. Cm Punk was taking over me once again, and I didn't know how to control it.

"Will you listen to me? You never do, and I'm the one who ever has anything right to say!" I yelled, pulling myself away from him. But he still held me tight. "Get off of me will you?"

"Stop Aj, please," He whispered quietly, "If I didn't really love you, I wouldn't go through this much, just to show you my affections."

I stared into his dark brown eyes for a moment, studying every movement. If he was telling the truth, I felt bad for saying what I did.

"You just said you loved me." He frowned, "I-Is it still true?"

Silence broke through the arena as we stared deep into each other's eyes. Punk was a dick and an asshole. But underneath that tough figure, was a kind soul who loves everyone around him.

"I-I do love you," My lips departed, "I'm hopelessly confused, Just yesterday we were avoiding each other. Now here you are."

"You're making this difficult," I grunted, "Just say you love me again! So I know you truly mean it."

"I'll take things slow if you'd like," He gently rubbed my shoulders for no apparent reason.

"I'm fine, really." I slightly chuckled. "Does this mean I can ask you a question?" I didn't exactly have a question to ask him, I just felt like giving the audience a real show.

"Anything! I'll give you a positive answer, no matter what." He started to fidget with my fingers as if he was nervous about my upcoming question.

"Have you ever dated someone you loved more than me?" I cocked my head, confused by my question.

"Um.. No, never! Why would you ask such a question." He seemed like he was lying, but oh well.

"No reason, a girl can be curious can't she?" I rose my eyebrow, giggling.

"Yeah, right." He nodded before holding me tighter

"If that's what you want babe," He placed both of his hands on my cheeks causing me to blush. Then leaned in for a kiss.

"I-I would love to," I hesitated.

"You seem unsure? Be honest with me Aj," He stopped kissing me then wrapped his arms around my waist. "Please?" He whispered.

"I really, REALLY want to!" I proudly blurted. "I love you too Punk, and wish to be with you for as long as I live."

This conversation was too cheesy. It probably sounded utterly fake.

"Then that's it. You're my girlfriend," He pulled me in close then started to kiss me. While half of the audience booed, and the other half cheered.

All of a sudden Kaitlyn's music sounded. Only it wasn't Kaitlyn who entered the arena. It was the devil herself! Niki Bella! What did she want? She had no part of our love life.

I quickly pulled away from Punk leaving him shocked.

"What are you doing?" He obviously didn't realize Niki skipping behind him. Instead of replying I grabbed my microphone from the floor and held it to my mouth.

"What do you want Niki!" I eagerly snapped.

She started to laugh "Aj, you poor, POOR soul!"

"Excuse me?" I folded my arms, glancing over at Phil, realizing the worry in his eyes.

"You really don't know what's going on here do you?" Her jaw dropped.

The insecurity I would always feel ran through my body, causing me to shake with fear. I hated mean girls, and Niki and her dumb sister were definitely mean girls.

I didn't understand what she meant by that. Was she planning something, or what?

"Just tell me why you're here, then get out of my ring."

"Whoa! Okay." She gasped.

"Aj, whatever she tells you. Don't listen," Punk whispered, seeming uneasy.


"Just don't," He shouted quickly, causing me to jump a little. I don't know why he was so worried! I mean yes, Niki is a bitch. But what does she have to do with us?

"We set you up! Don't you get it!" Niki laughed hysterically. Slowly approaching us.

"Set what up?" I rose my eyebrow, for some reason interested in what she had to say.

"Aj! I'm warning you, don't listen to her!" He bit his lips nervously.

"He doesn't really love you! I'm surprised you bought it! She said.

"Excuse me?" I gasped, "You don't know anything, so why don't you run along now!" I stated, motioning for her to go away.

"I don't know anything?" She chuckled, "Very funny."

"Just get to the point! Why are you here?" I shouted.

"Why did you ask that?" Phil grunted as began to pace.

"I just told you. He doesn't love you! We set you up," She explained, "He agreed to humiliate you in front of everyone by telling you a lie, then after blowing you off. Since he's obviously taking his time, I've decided to get it over with, and tell you myself."

I was speechless. But deep down, I knew she wasn't telling the truth. Or was she?

I eyed Phil with a confused look on my face, and noticed him mumble. "Don't listen to her."

"What? Is this--true?" I stuttered.

"No! Why the hell would it be true, I really love you Aj. Don't let that dumb bitch ruin something great!" He whined, "I mean yes, I did agree! But only because she was bugging me about it. I wasn't actually going to do it. Do you believe me?"

My eyes went back and fourth between the two. Niki couldn't hear what we were talking about. Luckily. And Phil was devastated!

"Of course I believe you," A smile grew upon my face.

"You do? Thank god!" He lifted me off the ground, and began spinning me. Then after we shared a delightful hug.

"I don't know why I broke up with you Punk," I admitted.

"So does this mean you'll be mine?" He widened his eyes.

"Cm Punk," I departed my lips, "I'm officially yours. Again."

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