Chapter ten

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Hey sorry for not updating earlier! I feel so bad! Ahhhhhh!!!!! Its chapter ten!!!! Well here's a new chapter! And thank you people for giving me new characters! Now I know what's going to happen! Yay! Good for me.. Bad for you.. Hehehe..



Chapter Ten

Alabama's POV

A guy and girl are standing in the doorway hand and hand. The girl has blue eyes and dark brown hair like Wayne. The guy is slightly taller than the girl and looks..well more like feels evil. He doesn't seem right. He has shaggy blonde hair that comes down to his right cheek and dark blue eyes that look black. I don't like him.

"Wayne!" the girl yells. "Stop raping my new cousin!" She runs over and pounces on Wayne's back. Wayne lets go of me and chuckles.

"Hey,Abril." he says. I sit up and fix my shirt. The guy still keeps his eyes on me. I shiver at his gaze. Wayne turns to me. He gives me a look that says 'we'll talk later'. I nod my head. The girl turns to me. She smiles at me.

"You're so pretty!" she yells. She hops away from Wayne and lands in front of me. I flinch. Her smile grows wider. "Is that your real eye color?"

"Yes." I say. This girl seems... Wild.

"Thats so awesome! I'm Abril by the way! I'm Wayne's favorite cousin! And that hot guy over there is my boyfriend Amat!" she says. She's jumpy. Very jumpy.

I look over at the guy who's still standing at the door. "Hello,Amat." I say. He looks asian. But he also looks farmilar.. I wonder why.

"Hey." he says. His eyes are cold and his posture is stiff. How are these two even boyfriend and girlfriend? They're nothing alike. Opposites attrach I guess.

I look at Abril. I wonder if her parents wanted to actually name her April but just went with April in Latin?

Abril has her eyes glued on Amat. She smiles at him and I see care actually cross his cold dark blue eyes. I smile at the both of them.

"Okay stop gazing at your boyfriend!" yells Haemon. My eyes snap to him. I forgot he was in here for that moment. "We we're about to find ou-"

"Shut up,Haemon!" the two yell at him. Haemon rolls his eyes. The king and queen chuckle.

"We'll get going." says the queen. She stand up and grabs the kings hand. "You kids should all get to know eachother." They exit the room and close the door behind them.

Abril turns her head to me. "Are you human too?" she asks. I raise my eyebrows and nod. "Yay! A human friend!" She hugs me. I laugh at her sponaneousness and hug her back. She seems like a good friend. She pulls away from me and her face brightens even more. If possible. She turns around and jumps off of the bed. Wayne stares at me and smiles. I smile back at him.

"Hey! What's your name!?" I turn her to me and she's staring at me.

"Oh it's..." I trail off.

'Do I tell them my real name?' I ask Wayne mentally.

'.. Not sure. Just go with the fake name for now. It seems easier.'

'I don't trust Amat. He doesn't seem good.'

'I know.. I don't like him either. I don't know why he's dating Rilly. He just came out of knowhere.' Wayne mumbles mentally.

'He seems farmiliar to me.. He just does. I'm not sure though.'

"Hello?" snaps Amat. "We're wonder what you name is."

I turn to him. He's sitting on the floor next to Abril. The two are holding hands. Abril looks so in love with him and he looks bored with her. I frown at the situation. Amat glares at me.

"My name is Isadora." I say to them. Amat scoffs. I stare at him. Does he know my lie already? And who is he?

"Well Isadora do you want to play this game with us?" asks Abril. I nod. I walk over to them. "We're sitting in abc order by our first names." she announces.

Abcdefghi.. Great. I'm next to Amat and Haemon. So the order is Abril,Amat,me,Haemon,and Wayne. Oh joy. I'm sitting down and we're all looking at Abril. She smiles at all of us.

"Okay. Now we're going to play truth or dare." she says. I start to stand up. Everyone looks at me. Wayne looks concerned.

"I can't play this. I'm sorry." I say to them. Not after last time,I add mentally. I step away from the circle and walk to the bed. I sit on it and watch them.

"No. How about we just play truth?" Abril says. She smiles at me in encouragement. I nod slowly and walk over to them. I sit between Haemon and Amat again. I'm facing Wayne. He smiles at me. I shake my head and put it in my hands.

"Okay now that Izzy's here we can play." says Abril. I look at her and give her a smile. She accepts it. "These are the rules. Any one asks you a question and you have to answer it truthfully. If you pass you have to...."

"Tell us your deepest darkess secret." says Amat while staring at me.

"Doesnt that defeat the purpose of the game?" I ask him. He glares at me.

"I like that idea!" yells Abril. We all look at her. "I'm going first." she says.

She looks at me. "So...Amat." she says. I hear Wayne groan. I look at him and raise an eyebrow.

'You'll see..' He says mentally.

Abril flutters her eyelashes. I just noticed what she's wearing. She has a bright pink v-neck that hugs her body. She has blue jean shorts on. She has high top pink convereses on. Her body is pressed against Amat. I look at Amat. He's sort of leaning away from her. His eyes are set on me. I still can't put on where he is from. He's so farmiliar. Something.. I don't know.. What is it?

My head starts to pound the more I think about it. What is it that is so farmiliar? What is it? What is wrong with me? Why can't I remember? My brain pounds against my skull, rejecting me from remembering. What is it?

I open my eyes and look at Amat.

"I remember you."


I wonder what she remembers? Who knows? I know. But you don't. :) Well as I type I am thinking of the next chapter. Who's do you think Amat is to Alabama? Hmm.. I'd like to hear your guesses!

Okay well since that's all.

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Thx peoples!

My next chapter will be up tomorrow if I write it down really fast. Let's hope..


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