Soulmate 16

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Hey guys!! Give a BIG  thank you to Daddylilgirl! She's helping me now with the chapters! She's the best! So thank her!

-(words)- mean talking inside their minds.

Ally's POV

I pulled away from Amat not liking the feeling of losing someone. He looked at me with sad eyes  "What's the matter?" He says

"Attie I feel like I just lost someone I love a lot." I say to him. He looks at me with sympathetic eyes but as soon as it came it was gone.

"What are you talking about?" he asks and pulls me to him. I was excpecting shocks but they never came it was weird. I pulled myself away he  gave me sad eyes again."Babe what's up I came to visit you and your acting like you don't remember anything." Normally when this type of thing happens and I don't remeber anything I would remember right away, but it never came.

SuddenIy, I get vivid pictures of me with some  guy who looks really familiar. Then I hear a muscular voice in my head.

-Alabama can you hear me?-

What was that? I get a confused look on  my face and Amat looks at me weirdly.head

-Hello  who's there?- 

-Ally are you alright? Where are you? Who took you?-

-Are you my consious?- I ask back confusingly. -What's going on?-

-Ally, it's me Wayne, your soulmate.-


As soon as I say his name everything rushes back to me. Our dance. Him taking my blood. Our first kiss. Everything..

I look at Amat with a horror struck face.

"Why?" I ask him. "Why would you do this to me? You're my best friend" I move away from him. His face turns apologetic. Then sad.

"I love you." He whispers. "I want you to be with me not him. He'll end up getting you killed." He grabs my hand and I pull it away.

"Attie.. You already know I don't love you like that. I love Wayne. I don't care if he's a vampi-''

"That's the point! You don't care!" He yells at me. I flinch back and his eyes turn a light yellow. "He can easily kill you! Easily drain you of blood, but no! You decide to stay with the vampire! The human blood sucking vampire that only wants you for your blood! ''

Tears fall from my eyes. "I don't love you like that Amat! I love Wayne and he loves me for me!" Attie grabs me by my wrists and has a syringe in his other hand. His eyes are full of pain and sadness. A strange green-clear liquid is in the syringe.

"Attie no!" I yell. I start struggling against him and I notice the dark gray mist surrounding my wrist. It's chilling me to the bone. It's so cold.

-Ally what's going on? - Wayne asks mentally. -Where are you?-

Attie turns my wrist over and presses the tip of the syringe into my skin. My eyes start watering and my body is numb. Drugs. My knees buckle and I collapse into Attie's arms. Attie strokes my hair affectionately and plants a soft kiss on my cheek.

-Ally what's wrong? What did he put in you?-  Wayne asks frantically.

"Cami I love you.. You won't leave my side.." His words grow more and more distant. I won't leave his side?

Then the darkness takes over and I fall into a deep sleep.


Here's the chapter I hope u liked it.


so read




tell other people! I know all the fans of this story are happy!! so give me some love!

Peace Out!


You're my soulmate?...And you're a what?!?!Where stories live. Discover now