"Jacey... imma get in the shower. So yeah... you know ya way out."
"I think I'll stay a little longer, if that's okay with you."
"N- w- yeah... alright sounds good ima do that then."
Now I'm alone in his living room, on the couch, looking through my camera roll. I saw this picture of Skies and I, we both looked really happy, but that was before him and... Kat met. Hm, I wonder what she would think if she saw that picture.
So I went on Instagram and posted it.
I keep hearing something ding, so I finally look over and I see Skies' phone sitting there, getting blown up with notifications. I got an idea.
I grabbed Skies' phone and fortunately it didn't have a passcode, so I went on insta and liked and commented, "my soul mate💕" on the pic I just posted. I hope Kat sees this. I was so focused snooping through his phone that I didn't even realize Skies had already gotten out of the shower, got dressed, and was now standing in the doorway.
"Uh... Jacey... why you on my phone?"
"Huh? Oh! Um. Well. You see- I was- jus- uh- turning off your notifs! Yeah. The dinging was annoying so-" I cleared the tabs and handed him his device.
"Alright...? Well you should go. I got stuff to do."
"Ok. Bye!" I quickly got my things and practically ran out.
Huh. She was acting weird. I turned on my phone, but the notifications were still on. I thought Jacey turned em off.
I told Jacey that I had things to do but I lied, I just wanted to be alone, so I sat down, and went on Instagram.
The first pic that appeared was one of Kat with Xan. I got hella jealous. She wit Diego? So that's who she's replaced me with... does she even miss me as much as I do her?
The fuck...? oh... I just got put in a groupchat.
7 o'clock, Gazzy's house, important news, blah blah blah. Kat's gonna be there. I don't know if I'm excited or nervous. She's not going to be happy seeing me. She's probably mad at me for leaving her when she needed me. I wonder if she'll even try and talk to me.
(At Gazzy's house)
"Ok y'all sit down, and I'll tell you everything." We all listened and took our seats, he's being real serious, it kinda made me worried.
"What's up Gaz?"
"Everything ok, bro?"
"Well... not really... there's some guys after us. I don't know who they are, but they're looking for all of us and they pulled up on me last night, at my other house that I threw that party at-"
"How dafuq you know they after all of us and not just you?"
"Because dude... they thought all of y'all was with me."
"So what even happened?"
"Long story, but y'all needa know, so I was jus chillin' in my living room, smoking, then I heard some loud ass knocking on the door, sounding like the damn police so I walked over, checked da peephole and I saw a group of dudes wit ski masks on, guns in they hands, they knock again, louder, and I was home alone so I lowkey panicked. Then they started shouting like, "open up muthafuckas or we gon cap all of you" or some shit like that. Next thing I know they was tryna break the door open so I grabbed my glock and shot through the door, they said they was gon be back and when I looked out again, they was gone, so I jus got my stuff and left."
"Oh fuck."
"Did you get a good look at em?"
"My dude are you deaf? He said they had ski masks on."
"Haha oh yeah."
"But y'all really needa watch your backs cause we can't loose anyone else. Just lay low, stay strapped."
"What does stay strapped mean?"
"It's like when you keep guns witchu."
"Oh right."
"But yeah. That was the news. Y'all can leave now I gotta get my stuff ready anyways I'm goin to Dimitri's party tonight."
"Me too, we all goin'."
"Well imma leave then y'all wack. See ya later."
"Y'all really needa stay safe though." Everyone cleared out of the house, Even if we didn't act like it, I know everybody was paranoid. Since there's people after us trying to kill us or something.
I saw Kat get into a car with Diego, like I said before I just get so damn jealous seeing her with other guys, but she seems happier with him, it hurts me a lot but if it makes her happy... then I'm satisfied, I've only ever wanted her to be happy.
Since I'm going to a party tonight I decided to hit the jewelry store and get some new ice.
"Nah I'm tryna spend more than a K my guy. I needa flex hard... show my ex what she missin'."
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I just got out the shop, and was walking over to my whip which was a few blocks down parked by and alley. I'm on snapchat, I'm finna post sum on my story.
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Just then I hear rapid footsteps behind me, I pocket my phone, and look back. I see two tall guys with ski masks on runnin' up on me. I start panicking cause I left my gun at home. Wtf do I do?
A/N: cliffhanger what's gonna happen to Skies? & what's gon happen at that party? Srry bout this lame chapter lol thanks for reading y'all stay tuned💙💜💚💛💙💜💚💛💙💜💚💛💙💜💚💛