Bully Love

55 8 2

Cliche #16 - when the girl falls in love with her bully

This cliche infuriates me. I literally HATE IT when the guy character bullies the girl so bad that he practically ruins her life but he just claims that he did it cause he loves her. And the girl just is like oh wow I love you, too.


Today Todd broke my leg when he shoved me down the stairs at school but I still love him. 

*Time skip*

School came swinging around the next day and I crutched (?) my way into school. 

"Here comes stupid grill!" Todd shouted and everyone laughed at me. I tried my best to ignore them as I passed by. "Meet me on the roof after school or else," Todd threatened before heading off to class with his other friends that also constantly bully me.

*Another boring time skip to roof*

"What took you so long?" Todd scoffed.

"I kinda couldn't walk up the stairs cause you broke my leg, stoopid," I said but immediately regret it when I saw the sad look on his face.

"But... that's why I told you to meet me up here," he whispered softly. "I love you, gorl. That's why I always torment you, because it's the only way I can get your attention."





Blah blah blah, they become a couple and suddenly she's like the most popular girl in school and what not. I literally HATE THESE TYPES OF STORIES. When the girl says that she can't hate him cause she loves him too much, like wtf. I'd be too blinded by anger to ever feel any sort of affection toward that person.

If someone ever did those things to me I would never forgive them. I don't care what excuse they give me, lol nope bye. 

It's fine if it's just a little teasing, but hurting them physically or mentally is too far.

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