Not a Blanket.. Chapter 9

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-Shane's POV-

I looked down at my phone to check the map I had looked up on Google earlier. I looked up. This is the place. I took my keys out of the ignition and opened the car door. I could just about read the word 'Guns' on the dusty shop window. I took a deep breath and stepped in the shop door. There was an indimating man across the counter. He had long grey hair and a long grey beard. He looked like the badass version of Santa Claus really. There was also another man in the room. He was the complete opposite of 'Badass Santa'. As he was thin and lanky with almost no hair on his head. I was still very intimidated because they were both staring at me.

"What the fuck are you wearing?!" Badass Santa exclaimed. He had a slight country accent.

I looked down. "Oh. My suit... I was at a funeral," I said.

"Hm. What do you want?" Badass Santa's expression changed from angry to slightly pitiful.

"Ummm," I knew fuck all about guns. I had to make up a believable-ish lie. "I'm, uh, going deer hunting in a few days. But I was in a car accident awhile back so I forgot my knowledge on guns. Could you please inform me on which one wouldn't put the deer in any pain and instantly kill it?" I lied.

"I don't think that kinda gun exists," the thin man said.

"Oh... Well, then." I froze. Oh shit! I needed to think of another excuse. Or should I just come clean?

"Well... well... I... I.." I couldn't speak.

"Go on," Badass Santa was getting impatient.

I could feel my face going red and my stomach was doing flips. "Okay. I'm not going deer hunting. I actually... I need it for.. a friend. Yeah. A friend. This friend is going through some problems and is thinking about... you know? So, yeah." It felt good to tell the truth-ish.

"Oh. Ohhhhhh," the thin man said walking behind the counter to join Badass Santa.

"I don't know what you mean," Badass Santa said, rubbing the back of his neck.

The thin man whispered in his ear. When he finished Badass Santa's eyes widened. They seemed to be filling up with tears. The thin man hugged Badass Santa to comfort him. The thin man seemed to start crying too. And I was standing there the whole time.

"Are you two okay?" Oh God. It was so awkward.

Badass Santa pulled away from the hug and walked around the counter, walking passed me. I turned around to see where he was going. He was sitting on a red fold-out chair. There were two other fold-out chairs, a blue one and a pink one. He invited me to sit on the blue one.

"I'm sorry to ask but what's going on?" I asked him.

"My daughter, Ashley. Someone very close and meaningful to her died. She started saying that she could hear their voice and sometimes even see them from time to time. She had daily break downs and there was nothing we could do to help her because she was always so distant, never telling us anything and staying her her room all day. Well, one day we found her body in her bedroom. She must've gotten into the shop and taken a gun to her room when no one was at home... resulting to her taking her own life. When we looked through her room after the funeral, we found empty pill bottles under her bed and a suicide note on her desk. It's just awful knowing that I could've saved her.. I could've broken down that door and saved my little girl. But I was too late. She was gone. And now I have to live with the thought of knowing that I could've saved her.." Badass Santa started to cry. The tears streaming down his face. It took me a minute before I noticed that I was crying myself. His daughter's story was so similar to mine.

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