Falling for Shane Chapter 2

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I woke up on the cold tiles, wishing what I dreamt was real. If only Shane felt the same way, it'd be so much more easier for me to express myself. But he doesn't. He loves Lisa and no one would ever love someone like me. I just want to tell him everything, but I'm terrified of rejection. He would understand... who am I kidding? He wouldn't fucking understand. No one will understand. That's why I won't tell anyone. If I died this very second, nobody would notice my disappearance.

I stood up. Maybe Shane did stay and is waiting for me downstairs. One can only hope. I opened my bedroom door. The house was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I made my way to the stairs, dreading every step I took. I started my way down the stairs when suddenly I got an awful pain in my stomach. I put my hand to my stomach and without even noticing that I took my hands off the banister, I fell down each step. Every step reminding me how weak I was.

After that, blackness. 

-Shane's POV-

I felt bad for leaving Joey in his house, alone. But he is a 22 year old man and I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself. But I didn't leave because I wanted to leave, I left because Lisa told me she had something important to tell me. My thoughts were out of control, thinking about what it could be.

-Joey's POV-

I woke up on the couch, with Meghan and David on both sides of me. My whole body was in pain and I had a terrible headache.

" You're finally awake!" Meghan laughed as she dabbed a wet cloth on my head.

I didn't answer back. I struggled to push myself off the couch. But before I could stand, Meghan pushed me back down again, causing every bone in my body to ache more than before.

" No!" she pointed her finger in my face, as if I was a little child. "Now tell me, how did you fall down the stairs?" she looked at me sternly.

"Well... I... uh, I," I looked for an excuse," I uh....I just slipped, ya know?"

"Hmm, how did you slip?" she asked me as if she was a detective and I was a criminal.

" Gosh, I don't know! Stop asking me all these questions!" I retorted with a lump in my throat.

She dabbed the cloth on my head one more time before she stood up to walk away. After Meghan walked away, David walked down the stairs with something in his hand. He had a sad and confused look on his face. This caught Meghan's eye and before David could say what it was, Meghan snatched it from his hands.

"Pain killers and bloody razors? Joey? Is everything alright?" she asked with tears in her eyes.

-Shane's POV-

I opened the door and Lisa was waiting for me on the couch. She stood up to hug me. Her eyes were red and puffy, I could tell she was crying.

" What's wrong, Lisa?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"Shane... I'm pregnant," she said, not making eye contact.

These words hit me like an arrow to the heart.

" B-bu-but that's impossible! We haven't even-" I couldn't finish my sentence. I was awestruck.

" I know. That's the point. It's not your baby, it's -

-Joey's POV-

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I needed to tell them. They're my best friends.

"Guys," I invited them to sit down," I'm," I took a deep breath," I'm dying. Of cancer, CML to be exact.."

Meghan burst into tears. David jumped up and hugged me, getting my shirt wet from tears.


Oh dayyyuumm!!

Hehe ^-^

I left it on two cliff hangers

Mwah ha ha haaa!

Btw, thank you guys for reading! :D

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