Chapter 22

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Dipper's POV

That landing had been rough, and me and Pacifica were pretty shaken up. As we staggered into the big California Airport, we were blinded by the buzz of society that we hadn't layed eyes on for a long time.

"Oooh, proper food," Pacifica pointed to the food court enthusiastically.

"First we need to do the baggage...oh, right. I forgot we didn't have any." I gave a dry laugh. "I guess we should go get something to eat."

Before we had left, Stacy's dad had given me and Pacifica each a hundred dollars for food, taxi, and other stuff. I took out a twenty from my vest pocket and crunched it in my hand as we walked to the court, which was full of different styles of food and cuisine, though, I knew from experience, airport food isn't as good as the stuff you get from actual restaurants.

"We should probably just get a burger and-" I looked at my side expecting Pacifica to be there, but she had raced off and was looking at one of the mini boutiques they had set up along the wall.

I facepalmed and stomped off to get her.

"Pacifica," I growled. "We are not here for fashion," I grabbed her by the arm.

"But...But I miss it," she whimpered, pressing her face against the glass where a designer purse sat bathed in strobe lights.

"Look, I get it, but we need to hurry this up. It's getting late."

Making a final grab at some fancy sunglasses, Pacifica skulked back to the foot court and plopped down at a table. "I'll be right back," I reassured her, like a mother talking to a four-year old. "Don't go anywhere."

She gave me a pout and turned away.

I sighed, and placed my order for two small burgers and fries. I waited about ten minutes and the lady at the cashier came out carrying two styrofoam boxes paper bag dripping grease. I said a quick thank you and headed back to the table, where Pacifica was still being sour about her spoiled attempts to go on a shopping spree.

At the prospect of food she immediately perked up, and reached out to grab on of the styrofoam cases.

"Gimme!" Her eyes were bright and ravenous.

"Okay, calm down," I laughed, giving her the food.

When she opened the box,  her face immediately fell and she looked at the meal then back at me and then at the food.

"A-are you sure you ordered two burgers?" She queered.

"Uh...yeah," I opened my box and the food looked a little soggy, but just fine.

"Well..." she showed me her food and I regretted it.

The buns were mushy, falling apart. It looked like some sort of water had been spilled over it and not been cleaned up. There was a pool of juice at the bottom stained red with ketchup and sustaining little brown chunks that I hoped were meat.

"Oouuh..." I snapped the box shut and threw it in the garbage. "Um...I guess you could share with me?"

", okay," she smiled sheepishly as I cut the burger in half and laid the other half in front of Pacifica on a napkin. "Here."

I didn't know why the moment was so awkward.

We ate in silence. After we finished, I recapped on the plan.

"So we get in a bus.bus drives to my piedmont. We get off at the bus stop. We get a taxi, and go to my house. My parents won't be home yet so we'll hide until they are. Since my parents don't know you...well, of course I told them about you..." I coughed. " go up to them and introduce yourself, blah blah, tell them what happened and stuff."

"That was very clear. Thanks for the CLEAR plan." She scoffed.

I sighed. "Look, just along with it.  Not having a clear plan worked back in the gas stop, remember? We'll just freestyle it."

She shrugged. "You have a point. Okay. So, we have to take the bus to Piedmont, right?"


We walked out of the airport into the California air.

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