Chapter 34

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I sat still in bed, feeling the uncomfortable stickiness of the sweaty hospital gown on my damp skin. My hair was a mess, my eyelids were drooping, and my head hurt. After a minute, all the details of the dream started to slowly fade away, and I found myself trying...trying as hard as I could to hold onto those memories that glinted like broken glass. But nothing worked, and like a flame going out, the last memory...the scene of me and Dipper sitting together, flickered and went black. I sighed. I could remember absolutely nothing anymore. I flicked the light off and tried to sleep. This time, instead of Bill ambushing me in my dreams, I drifted slowly into what seemed like a black blanket, pulling me in...

I woke up to the blur of the hospital lights that had somehow been turned back on. There was a something warm on my shoulder...a hand, and it was shaking me awake. I swiveled around in my sheets and prepared a rude remark. "Go away, I'm trying to-" when my eyes opened fully, I recognized the person sitting on my bedside. His soft brown eyes and warm smile weren't easy to forget. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Dipper? I-" my voice ebbed into a trickle as I felt Dipper wrap his arms around me in a hug and hold on tightly. My arms were at my sides in confusion. I very cautiously lifted my hands up and hugged him back, resting my head on his shoulder. We held on for couple more seconds and then let go.

"I didn't know I would be so bored," Dipper rubbed the back of his neck and grinned sheepishly. "And be this worried."

"You're just the dork I always knew. You're so dumb," I told him this with a voice that clearly didn't mean it.

"I missed you too," Dipper replied. "So, uh...are you ready to come home?" I noticed he kept glancing at my hands, as if looking for something. Feeling uncomfortable, I buried my palms into the hospital gown. Dipper raised his eyebrows. "You okay?"

"Yeah, sure." I gave him a watery smile. "Let's get out of here."

He helped me out of bed and I got dressed into one of Mabel's sweaters.

Throughout the car ride, which was spent by Mrs. Pine's prodding questions, I said as little as possible. Though the events of my dreams were now lost, I could feel it closing in. Like a tiny clock set in my mind, every second passing by loomed over something greater.

Tic. Tic. Tic.

Tic. Tic. Tic.

An ever-growing threat that flowed with impossible power.

Tic. Tic.


An old enemy, a new friend...


I glanced over at my wrist to see what Dipper was looking for.


The clock struck twelve.

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