Chapter 39

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Okay guys! I know you had to wait a while for this to come out, so please forgive me, and let me reassure you that I would've published earlier if I had more time. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. Thanks!


I coughed. The red smoke twirled around the house, and in the distance, I could see the eyeball bats showering vats of red light that turned people to stone. I jogged along the cracked stone path to the door, where I knocked urgently five times, because the doorbell was ripped out intentionally and crushed on the floor.

There was no answer.

I knocked again, this time harder. I felt like I was being threatening, but I was worried.

Again, everything remained silent.

I tried again, once more, and yelled,


when no one came to the door, I hung my head and began to walk back to the car...until I heard the door's window slide open.

"Pacifica?" Came a timid voice.

"Zack!" I raced back to the house. "Let me in, it's Pacifica. I have big plans. Dipper and Stacey are in the van."

"Wait, Stacy's here?" Zack opened the door and walked out. "I've been waiting, I didn't think she'd come. She was supposed to arrive two days ago, but, I mean with all of this," he motioned his hands at the burning wreckage and torn up cars. "I wasn't expecting much. How's Dipper?"

"Not good," I glanced back at the car. "We got in a car accident right as the weirdness started, And he took a hard hit. We'll need your help."

Zack's eyes flared with panic. "He's hurt? Oh, bring him in. I have some first aid stuff we can use to heal him at least a little bit."

I gave him a grateful look. "Thanks."

"Anything to repay you from saving me from the straw incident."

Me and Zack hurried back to the van, where we found Stacey asleep, and Dipper just laying on his back blankly staring into space.

"You okay?," I asked him, taking a seat on the bed right next to him,

"Fine..." he grimaced. "I'm trying not to move all hurts..."

"It's okay." I took his hand in mine and squeezed it tight. "Zack's Here, and we're going to get some help."



Zack and Stacey worked together to support Dipper and helped him stagger into the house. I hung to the side.

I sighed in comfort as I sank into the warm leather couches. I didn't really care how much stuffing they were spewing out, I was in heaven.

Zack gave us all some lettuce.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Stacey asked, looking at the green vegetable in distaste.

"Eat it." Zack bit into his, with vigor and delight. "It's the best thing we have at the moment."

Dipper ate his with no hesitation, but I stared at mine.

"It has brown spots on it," I complained.

"Eat it."




He finally made me give in, by giving me a pair of his mom's earrings.

After we were done with our 'delicious," dinner, I explained the plan to the rest the the crew, and they all agreed.

"We leave for Gravity Falls first thing in the morning," Stacey fluffed a pillow for Dipper. "You feeling better?"

"A little," He groaned and rolled over on the couch.

Zack glanced at me and then at Dipper, and shrugged. Stacey made her way to her makeshift bed constructed of dish towels on the floor. "Pacifica, stay awake." She snuggled under the rags.

I glared at her. "Why?"

"To monitor Dipper,"

I said nothing after that, but sat on the couch next to Dipper's feet as Zack flipped the lights off.


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