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Hey guys! I got bored and decided to write a short little bonus chapter. enjoy!


Dipper's POV

I watched the droplets of rain fall onto my windowsill and trail down the glass, the trees in my front yard shaking in the wind against a pitch black background. my head sat in my hand as I stared at the swaying branches, wind and rain lashing my windowpanes.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I took it out. my screen was lit up with a text message.

1 message from: Paz<3

My heart began to race, and I typed in my password quickly, impatient to see what Pacifica would want to say to me. A pulse of longing passed through my chest at the sight of her profile picture, and I realized just how much I missed her.

Just one more year, I reminded myself. One more year until I finish college and move to Gravity Falls.

I opened the message.

Paz<3: Hey what's up? I miss u

Me: Awe, nothing much, Quarantine

Paz<3: Oh, what a drag... wish u were here. love u

I stared at her messages on my screen, and my hand tightened around my phone. I had planned to visit her during spring break, but the whole coronavirus thing had gotten in the way. I had refrained from trying to go to Gravity Falls since then, but it was too much for me now.

"I have to see her," I said quietly to myself. With a sudden conviction, I stuffed some clothes into a duffel bag, grabbed my car keys, and jogged down the stairs. Mabel was watching TV in the living room, and when she saw me, she cocked her head.

"Where are you off to?" she wondered, as I tied the laces on my shoes. she glanced at my duffel bag. "The gym?"

"I'm going to see Pacifica," I said, and was out the door before she could say anything.

The rain beat down on my head, relentless, but I made my way to my car and got in, shaking the raindrops off my jacket. it was late, 9:30 at night, but nothing could stop me now. I started the engine and pulled out of the driveway.

I could vaguely see my parents and Mabel standing in the doorway of the house, looking absolutely confused, but I waved at them through the window and drove off.


I drove into the night, my golden yellow headlights illuminating the rainy highway. Gravity Falls was a northward drive from California. I turned on the radio to create some background noise during the drive, because the sound of the rain pattering against my window and the window wipers swishing was beginning to drive me crazy.

I drove, and drove, and drove. Pacifica was the only thing on my mind. I didn't know what had snapped in me today, but I just had to see her face again.

It was 3:00 am when I drove past the faded Gravity Falls sign, and realized I was almost there. I cleared the fogginess from my head, and blinked to expel the sleepy tears from my eyes.

The faint lights of the town glinted in the distance. I wished I could drive faster, but eventually, I stopped my car on the road right outside of Pacifica's house.

Just at the beginning of this year, she had moved out of Candy's house and bought her own. it wasn't big, and a little run-down looking, but through the rain and the night, I could barely notice. the lights were off, but I rang the doorbell anyway.

I waited for maybe a minute before the door handle turned. the dim hallway light greeted me, and with it:

Pacifica. she rubbed her eyes. "Who the hell-" she began, but when she looked up at me, her features turned into shock. "D-Dipper? what-"

Before she could say anything else, I pulled her to me and kissed her. she seemed a little shocked at first, but soon caught on and threw her arms around my neck. the feeling of her in my arms felt so right, and I realized that I had been away from her for too long.

When we finally broke apart after a minute or so, she searched my face, confusion and surprise written all over her features.

"It's t-three a-m," she stammered. "You drove for five hours to get here in the rain?"

"Yeah," I replied, rubbing the back of my neck. "I...I really missed you. I couldn't help myself."

Pacifica smiled, and took my hand. "I'm glad you came. I missed you too."


I have no idea why I wrote this. thanks for reading, though!

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