3: say NO MORE.

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I need crissie to know, i need her to know marrying Alex isn't my choice DAMN IT.


"papa please...why can't i marry a woman i love!"

"Luca we've been over this! American's only bring trouble with them i won't place my kingdom in danger for the happiness of my Grandson, that won't make me a good king. Phillip would be disappointed in you if you abandon your kingdom for this girl you barely know anything about her!"

"i love her Papa, there's not much to know besides that i love her!"

King William the 3rd shook his head naive little Luca.

"no man marries for LOVE anymore my son, NO MAN"


"say NO MORE, I'll hear no more"

Luca left his grandfather's room bound by duty and honor, shattered with no end to his broken heart. And like every beautiful story he knew, he knew theirs had to end.


'Hey, reached Christiana Matthews you know what to do..."

he tried to reach but got the same recording over and over again, he even called her office but every time her assistant said she was in a meeting or she just stepped out. His favorite one was 'she has date so she had to leave early'. Adam his best friend had Christiana out with a guy named James Ross an American model in Pairs for a fashion show.

He took out his smart-phone and typed out: we're over






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