🚀 Chapter 3 🚀

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You'd be surprised what lengths people will go to in order to not face what's real and painful inside them


-Corbyn's POV-

I groaned as rays of light hit my eyes. I put my arm over my eyes, wanting to fall back asleep again. It was to early to be up.

My eyes snapped opened once someone beside me groaned and pulled me closer to their body.

Last time I knew, dani and Zach slept together. Not with me. And if they had a fight, the other would just go to the other room.

I looked around, noticing that I didn't know anything about my surroundings. I noticed all the posters on the way and I didn't like Harry Potter so this definitely wasn't my room.

I turned around in the person's arms and my eyes widen when I realized that I was in Jonah Marais' arms! The Jonah Marais!

Not only was he known as Jack Avery's best friend and captain of the baseball team, but also as our college's bad boy. He had a past that no one knew about. But made him the way he was today. Cold, heartless, didn't care about anyone's feelings expect Jack's. He didn't even care about his own feelings.

Everyone warned you not to go falling for him because you'd be the broken one in the end. Cause well, Jonah, he was already broken and he didn't want to get fixed. Or at least he didn't let anyone try. You got to close to him, he would dump you like you were trash. And didn't give a fuck if he hurt you or not.

I tried to get out of his grip but it was to tight. And every time I tried to loosen it, he would grip tighter.

"Jonah," I poked his cheek.

"Jonah," I tapped his nose.

"Jonah!" I yelled causing him to push me off the bed and I fell with a thud. Which caused me to groan.

"Yo what the fuck?" I groaned as I pushed myself off the ground and stood up.

"Don't yell at me in the morning," he shrugged as he got out of bed. "Now bye," he waved me off like I was nothing.

"Wait fucktard," I rolled my eyes at him.

I looked for my clothes and once I got them, I dressed myself and ruffled my hair. Not caring how it looked like in the moment.

I headed for the door but as I went to open it, I was slammed against the door causing me to groan.

"What the fuck?" I groaned as I looked at Jonah once he turned me around.

Jonah didn't say anything expect put his lips on mine. He kissed me as I kissed back with the same amount force.

He gave me a feeling, a feeling I had never felt. Not even with her. I had butterflies in my tummy as he put his on my hip and his other on my cheek. I put my hands behind his neck and pulled on his hair causing him to groan.

"You were great last night," he groaned in my neck as flashbacks played in my mind about last night.

I felt his touch, his gentleness, I felt everything. And I had never felt that feeling before. It was weird. But I loved it and I wanted to feel it again.

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