Daddy's concert

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4years ago me and Ashton had a baby boy he always looked up to Ash ever since he could start hitting stuff he would hit the drums ,I bought him a small drum set for when he gets a little older . Ashton was in a band called 5 seconds of summer and they were at three highest of their career . Their fans were supportive and sweet when they found out about my pregnancy .. Some at least

Ashton has been gone for a couple of months but he's doing a concert today here , I told him our son Jayden had a doctors appointment and we wouldn't be able to make it because it was out of town . The boys said they were going to surprise him with him

We got to the arena and it was crowded with girls. The line went down a few blocks some recognized us but security rushed us in, Jayden still wasn't used to these situations

We sat down at the side of the stage waiting for the show to start

"Mommy when is daddy going to come out?" Jayden asked

"Soon baby" I assured

Ashton's family were sitting with us Harry playing and dancing with Jayden as I talk with Ashton's mom and sister

The opening act finished and the crowd got even more excited the lights of their phones looking beautiful throughout the arena

The music starts playing , the crowd getting louder cheering our their names , posters being held up, the boys running in stage and start singing

Calum being in our perfect view

"Uncle cal uncle cal!" Jayden yells jumping up and down

Calum sees him and winks

"Jayden gets so happy when he sees them on stage" Lauren says to me

I nod in agreement he's the happiest when he's at their concerts

The boys perform a few more songs , Jayden is holding up a sign as big as him that says "I love you Daddy" with a picture if Ashton and Jayden playing drums together

A few fans notice him and start taking pictures

Ashton speaks to the crowd Jayden screaming daddy at the top of his lungs , he looks at him with admiration his eyes full of happiness , tears start forming in my eyes just watching him and Ashton being so happy

More fans notice Jayden and start yelling his name

"Jayden? I miss my little man he couldn't make it together he got sick and went to the doctor " Ashton says he looked sad

The other three boys nod to each other and wink at me and I smile

"Okay guys sh" Michael says

"We have one thing to say" Luke says

"Ashton come here mate" says cal , he nods him over and Ashton's confused self stands next to the other boys

"I need you to look at the big screen behind us " Michael says

They all turn to look at the screen

The camera man stands in front of Jayden , Jayden jumping up and down with his poster smiling as big his dimples are showing

Ashton's eyes but out when he sees him, his eyes getting water yeah second he turns around looking all over the crowd

"Where is he!?" He asks

The whole crowd trying to get Ashton others pointing to the side and others searching for Jayden

"Over here mate" calum says and points towards us

Ashton rushes down the stage and runs towards Jayden and hugs him tight

They both hug each other with emotion Ashton starts crying and the camera zooms in on him

My eyes shed tears

By the time I see Jayden he's crying too

Ashton's mom nods at me and I go towards them

Ashton notices me and hugs me tight. He gives me a long passionate kiss and leans his forehead on mine
"I miss you guys so much" he says
His eyes are red now

I hug him tight

"Awwwww" Michael says into the microphone

"I want to welcome our nephew Jayden Irwin to the band" Luke says

"He's more punk rock than Michael" cal says

"Hey!" Michael laughs

I smile and shake my head

"You too y/n you too" says Luke

I roll my eyes and hug Ashton again "go finish the show babe" I say

He nods and kisses me again

"Wait" I take out my phone "I need a picture of both of u with that poster " I say

Ashton grabs Jayden and the poster and I take a pic

Everyone does the same , Ashton's mom is the first one to take a pic of both of them then with me

"Okay go finish the show babe" I say

Ashton rushes back to his place and starts drumming

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