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I walked into the house after a long night with the girls

As soon as I walked in i sensed something was wrong

the house was dark, i switched on the lights and the whole house was a mess

"Calum?" i yell out

"Calum babe!"

i search throughout and notice him sitting on the counter with a bottle of vodka

"Calum baby whats wrong?" i rush to him setting my purse on the side

"get the fuck off of me!" he pushes me back and takes a big sip out of the bottle

"Calum whats wrong!?" i yell

"im fucking stressed thats whats wrong!" he jumps off the counter and throws the almost empty bottle towards the wall next to me

i feel the glass land on my skin, i quickly shake it off

"what the fuck is wrong with you youre acting like a fucking psycho!"

he slaps me back on the wall" what the fuck did you just say?!" he yells in my face

i push him back "calm the fuck down Calum im not playing"

"dont tell me what to fucking do when i fucking maintai your slutty ass"

i slap him "I dont know what your fucking problem is right now but you crossed the line!"

he laughs and steps back "you think I give a shit? no!" i quickly walk away from him into the living room and search for my purse, great I left it in the kitchen

I was about to walk in when Calum walks towards me, i automatically walk backwards away from him

"what are you scared? are you scared that you dont do shit when im here killing myself to give you everything you ungreateful bitch"

im intimidated

I have never seen him like this and im scared

he steps closer and i step farther until my back hits the wall

he punches the wallinches away from me, i flinch

"what do you do with all the money i give you!?" he yells

his face is inches away from me, i can feel his breathe

hes angry very angry

his neck veins popping out

his arm veins popping out

"answer me!" he yells

"I dont I dont do anything I dont even spend any money just to buy the ecessary things! youre the one who buys a shitload of alcohol every single day and party almsot every single night"


"so dont yell at me for something i didnt do" i try speaking calmly

"did you spend it with your other boyfriend!?"

"i dont have anyone else oh my god"

"bullshit! Ashtons girlfriend cheated on him and you guys were together!"

"she leaves half way through out get together! nobody likes her!"

"bullshit!!" he punches the wall this time an inch away from me, i felt the wall crack

he steps back frustrated, he paces back and forth

"stop looking at me!" he yells

he quicly gets a lamp and throws it to me, he misses it hits just above my head

the lamp breaks , pieces of it flying in every direction

i felt a sharp pain on my shoulder

a big light bulb piece digs into it

i let out a cry "oh my gd!" i slowly walk to the couch

Calum doesnt even notice hes just pacing back and forth

i start crying and try to take the piece out but it hurts like a Bitch

Calum hears my cries and quickly turns around

his face went from red to lost puppy

he rushes to my side "babe oh my god im so sorry"

i quickly get up and walk away from him "get the fuck away from me!" i cry

"baby please no"

"no Calum fuck you!" i take a deep breathe and take out the broken piece

"you damaged everything even our relationship!"

"dont say that please" he steps closer

"dont even get near me Calum or ill fucking call the cops!"

"baby im so sorry please forgive me im just so stressed and mind fucked and I dont know babe im sorry"

"im done with you" I run up the stairs and lock the door

this has never happened before and im not about to allow this to start


so i asked some of you to help me come up with an imagine idea and alot of people said a he scares you one as in physically and I tried

i hvent written an imagine in awhile sorry guys!

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