First Date

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You had been good friends with all of the boys for about a year now. You loved all of them equally but hadn't really seen any of them in a romantic light. As far as you were aware none of them saw you in that way either. Despite the constant speculation from fans and the press. It could get annoying at times but it didn't tend to bother you that much. That being said you were fairly open minded about the whole thing so the thought crossed your mind from time to time, however it was never any more than that.

It was a Friday night and the boys invited you to one of their shows, as they often did. You found it so special to watch them all do what they loved in front of so many adoring fans. The show was due to start in just under 20 minutes so the guys were busy getting pumped. You were sat silently on the crumbling leather couch that was placed in the corner of their dressing room. They were just being their usual selves, goofing around and chasing after each other. Apart from Michael. He was being unusually reserved and quiet, as if he was nervous for some reason. The other boys didn't appear to have noticed the change in his behaviour because they were to busy joking around, but you noticed. You slowly got up from your seat and made your way over too him cautiously. A barely noticeable smile crept on to his face as he saw you approaching him. "Hey." He said softly, looking up at you.

"Are you okay?" You queried soothingly. He sat up and replied, acting a bit more perky.

"Um, yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You just seemed a bit quieter than normal, that's all. As long as you're okay, I'm happy." His pale cheeks flushed red as you spoke. You knew he was holding back something from you but you weren't prepared to interrogate the boy.

"Well, I'm fine." He actually smiled this time. You were satisfied enough with his reply to leave him to it and resume your position on the sofa. You then saw him get up and walk over to the boys. He said something that you couldn't quite make out then Ashton proceeded to grin and pat him on the back.

"Go for it dude." I heard Luke exclaim to him. I didn't have a clue what they talking about but I wasn't gonna ask. About 10 minutes later a woman came in telling them that they had 2 minutes till they needed to be on stage. They all scurried with excitement towards the stage. They briefly performed their school of rock ritual then hopped on to the stage. As soon as their feet touched the stage it filled them with buckets of energy and happiness, it was beautiful to see the transformation and to see how happy it made them. You stood at the side of the stage for the whole show and even sung along to a lot of their tunes. Although you did notice Michael staring at you with extremely obvious heart eyes. He gazed for a few seconds every so often. It was weird but at the same time, freaking adorable. No one had ever looked at you the way he was in that moment and it felt so good. The show went so quickly but it was awesome nevertheless. They bounced off stage one-by-one with beads of sweat accumulating across their face. Michael's gaze met yours and you involuntarily smiled. He walked past you placing his hand on your shoulder for a few seconds as he passed. You suddenly felt warmth radiate through you; in that moment you were happy. You strolled back into the dressing room and saw all the boys gathered round with glowing smiles on their faces.

"So, Y/N What did you think?" Calum asked like an excited child.

"You guys did awesome, like always!" You chirped, patting him on the back gently.

"Right, Michael needs to talk to you so we'll leave you two to it." Luke grinned. As soon as he spoke Michael swiftly punched him in the stomach. "Ow, ya bastard." Luke shouted as Michael's cheeks turned crimson.

"He's lying." Michael said deffensively, clealrly embarassed.

"It's fine if you do you know." You proposed smiling sweetly at him. The guys all looked at eachother and left quickly, leaving me and Michael alone , as he wished. "So then Mikey, what do you wanna talk to me about?" You said looking pleased.

"Um, well. I've been thinking..." He stopped, as he grew hesitant. You gestured for him to continue. "I like you okay?" He said outright. It took you a back. Reviewing his behaviour It was obvious but somehow you never thought that would be the reason behind it. Your face was now beaming with delight, your heart beating faster as the seconds went on.

"Well are you gonna ask me to dinner or what?!" You cooed with a grin. He laughed and continued.

"Um, yeah, of course. Y/N, do you by any chance fancy dinner with me sometime?" He said sounding rather relieved and smug.

"Let me think." I said sacasticly "Of course you buffoon. All you needed to do was ask." You pulled him in and hugged him, feeling content at last.


Credit to

 @ Bazingafrog on twitter // @Paramoregrendaymcrx on wattpad :)

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