From Enemies, To More Than Friends-@brianna_nanda

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Here you go! Agian, sorry it took so long. Feedback?


I ran towards Bree's locker, super excited about what I was about to tell her. I just couldn't wait! I sprinted up to her and started jumping up and down maniacally. It was only then that I realized who she was talking to. Chase. I rolled my eyes and sighed dramatically, trying to get my best friend's attention. She turned to me with a huge smile on her face. 

'Brianna!' She cried, pulling me into a huge hug. 

'Hey Bree!' I said a bit too over enthusiastically, pulling away. Chase cleared his throat. I rolled my eyes again. 

'Oh, right, yeah' Bree muttered, remembering Chase was still there. 'Um, I'll talk to you after school. Is that OK Chase?' Chase nodded, glaring at me. I glared back harder, not daring to be the first one to look away. He sighed and turned, making his way to the science laboratory. I stuck my tongue out after him. I don't really have a problem with Chase, if that's what you're thinking. We used to be quite good friends. But then he started showing off by answering every single question in every single class, and we kind of grew apart. Now, we're just enemies, and I'm not entirely sure why. 'So, what were you about to tell me?' Bree reminded me excitedly. I quickly snapped out of memory lane and grinned.

'Samantha's having this party on the weekend and we're both invited!' We both squealed excitedly. 

'Oh my god! I can't wait!' Bree exclaimed. 'I heard last year she had One Direction preform!' 

'I know! I can't wait to find out what she's doing this year'. We both smiled, dreaming up our own little fantasies. I was taken back to reality as the bell for first period rang. I sighed and made my way to the science laboratory. As I entered, I frantically scanned the room for a spare seat. Sadly, the only seat was next to... him. I quietly sulked as I slumped into the chair next to Chase. I could hear him moan as I did. Suddenly, Mr Fenton burst into the room, using one of his well know dramatic entrances. 

'OK class' he boomed. 'As you all know, I will be assigning your partners for the project that you have to complete by next week, just in case you've forgotten the due date'. He eyed me when he said the last part. I smirked, earning a small grin from the teacher. 'Right then' he said, opening his teacher planner. 'Partners'. I quickly crossed by fingers. 'Adelaide, with Ben. Eric, with Zoe. Vi Vi, with Katrina. Chase, with Brianna-'. I choked as he said that. Even Chase looked highly disgusted, a look that I wasn't sure he was capable of. 

'Sorry sir, I'm not sure I heard you correctly. Can you please repeat that?' Chase asked. Mr Fenton raised an eyebrow and repeated the words that nearly killed me. I slumped down into my chair, hatred burning through my veins. 


I didn't pay the slightest attention throughout the rest of the lesson. Those three words haunted me the whole time, taking up my thoughts. I was so relieved when the bell rang. I had a free period, enough time for me to gather up my sanity. I quickly ran up to Mr Fenton.

'Um, sorry sir, but, um, can I change partners by any chance?' I asked, a slither of hope. 

'Sorry Brianna' he shrugged. 'Your grades have been dropping throughout the year so it's a good chance for you to pick up your game. Chase is a fantastic student and will hopefully influence on your grades'. And with that, Mr Fenton left the room. I sighed and followed him out. When I was only just out of the door way, someone pulled me around the corner. I screamed, thinking it was a socio-murderer on the loose. I sighed when I found out who it was. Chase held me firmly against the wall, no chance of escape. You've got to admit, for such a fragile guy, he sure is strong. He looked at me sternly. 

'Look' he said. 'I don't care if we're friends or not, but I want to get good grades on this class, and I'm not letting someone like you ruin this assignment for me'. I shook my head. 

'No, we don't want your perfect reputation to get ruined, now do we?' I said sarcastically. 

'I'm serious'. 

'Ego much!' I scoffed. Chase sighed and let go of me. 

'Sorry' he said softly. 'Grades are basically the only things that matter to me, I don't have anything else'. I raised an eyebrow. There was something about his sad, soft tone that seemed to touch my heart. That doesn't usually happen when I'm around boys. I nodded and cleared my throat. 

'Well, that doesn't really surprise me' I told him. He glared at me. For some reason I seemed to be closer to him than I was before. 

'Yeah, well, your bad chick "I-don't-care-about-anyone-else" ego can't be interrupted, can it?' He shot back. I giggled. His attempt to insult me just made it even more amusing. Closer now, only a few feet away from him. 

'God, you're such a nerd' I muttered. He raised an eyebrow.

'I'd rather be a nerd than a jerk any day' he replied. OK, so I have to give that one to him. It was actually pretty good. Even closer, almost touching him. And then, it happened. I don't know how, don't know why. We just did. We kissed. I kissed him and he kissed me back, and I liked it. So what if we were enemies a second ago, now we're more than friends. 

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