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Dear Reader,

This book was written back in 2018, and I promise you I've gotten so much better than this. I have no idea how this got so many reads and votes, it ain't good at all.

Like atp, I'm begging you not to read ahead. This book is getting added to so many reading lists everyday and oml, I'm gonna sob 😳

I don't write the same way I did back then, and I like to think the reason I hate these books so much is because I have improved. I don't got much to say other than good luck and thank you.

Thank you so much for your support, whoever you are. I really grateful for the amount of comments and love I've gotten these couple years. Ilysm <333

Feel free to drop one of your titles in the comments so people can see it (in this chapter alone, istfg if i get another person promoting their work in the other chapters i will shoot someone). I'll add it to my reading list attempt to read it as soon as I can ((:


Book started: July 19, 2018
Book ended: November 18, 2019


also, if you're gonna read one of my rarijack books, you should read looped, im just saying 😏


3.23.23 UPDATE: i don't remember if i added this warning, i apologize if i did not. trigger warnings for sexual assault/grooming on chapter 15 and suicidal thoughts & actions on the last chapters. i am very disgusted with myself for adding this, given the context on how these triggers affect me in my day to day life. i want to remind you that, despite the fact i was 13 when this was posted, my age and lack of knowledge then does not excuse the fact i wrote this with no warning. i am not the same person as i was when this was published. if there are any other triggers or complaints, i genuinely apologize, and pleaseplease dm me on wattpad.
thank you so much for your support over the years, it will be 5 years since this story was released. although i hold so much hatrid for this book, this truly did kickstart my writing and the many friendships i've made from this app — one of the reasons i will not be removing this story.

thank you so much and i apologize again.

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