Thank You~

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Hi there, I shall disrupt your reading with an advertisement for my other book (it's so much better holy shit). If you don't care, I'm not stopping you. Skip this chapter and go onto the next.

June 1, 2020

17.8K Reads.

499 Votes.

20 Chapters.

Holy shit.

This might not be a lot to some - but every single viewer means so much to me.

I want to thank you for finishing this all (unless you just skipped to this chapter, which is completely fine lmao).

This is my most popular book on Wattpad. To be honest, still have no idea why - but thank you :DD

I recently published a new Rarijack story, and for once, I'm kinda proud of my writing in it.

Here's the story and description:

Here's the story and description:

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I'd appreciate if you checked that out, if not, that's completely fine, I have nothing against you :)

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

I'd appreciate if you checked that out, if not, that's completely fine, I have nothing against you :)

and lol, i get to add this because it's my own book and no one can stop me 😩

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