Chapter 14 ~ Pinkie's Plan

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I sat in my Secret Party Planning Cave pondering of what to do next.

"Rarity's dating Timber Spruce," I said to myself and groaned. "Timber Spruce! He's like the most untrustworthy boyfriend there could be! I mean- he used Twilight Sparkle, he's three years older than Rarity, and he looks a damn tree. Who would want to date a damn tree?!"

I slammed my head against the table which was in front of me. I heard one of my party planning party papers drop to the ground from the impact.

"Owe!" I looked where the paper dropped and an idea sparked in my mind.

--Time Skip, Monday, Lunch Time --

Twilight's POV:

I was literally the only one not trapped in all this stupid drama. I mean, to be fair, no one did know I was bisexual. It also didn't seem like they cared.

From what I know, Applejack likes Rarity, Rarity is straight, and Rainbow likes Applejack. Fluttershy had something to do with all this, but I'm not sure what. Pinkie Pie was trying to get herself in all this stupid drama, and I had nothing to do with this.

I sat down, holding my book in my hands, reading. Books were much more interesting than this typical teenage shit.

For once, I was the first one at the lunch table.

"Hey Twilight!!" Pinkie called.

Oh brother, here we go again.

"I've completely gotten over the fact that Rarity is dating Timber!"

I looked up from my book. "Wait, what?"

"I'm as surprised as you," she chirped. "I've learned that I just have to accept that not all ships can happen."

"That's uh great, Pinkie," I said. I then looked back at my book and continued reading the page.

"Also, I've been planning this party, after school on Friday. You think you'll be able to make it?"

"Mmhmm," I said, not knowing what I just agreed to.

"Perfect! Here's an invitation!" She pulled out a card that had a purple envelope and slid it right in front of me.

I didn't touch the card, and instead continued reading my book.

I heard a few footsteps, which I recognized right away. Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"Augh, Rares won't shut up about Timber! It's gettin' under ma' nerves," AJ ranted.

Rainbow muttered something under her breath. "Let's try to take our minds off Rarity."

"Hey girls, you're invited to a party!" Pinkie shouted a big grin on her face.

"Sweet, when?!" Rainbow responded sitting down with her tray in her hands.

"Friday after school at Sugar Cube corner. Here's the info," I heard Pinkie slide two envelopes to them.

"Wait Friday after school? Crap, sorry Pinks, I'm busy that day I gotta go to the new amusement park with Scoots."

"Awe, that sucks. You think you'll be going AJ?" Pinkie asked turning her attention to Applejack.

"Ah should be free that day. Farm work hasn't been that busy as it usually is."

"Perfect! I believe Rarity should be going too!"

So this is what Pinkie's planning.

"What about Fluttershy?" I asked poking my head up from my book.

"Oh, I have yet to ask her," she giggled. "And Twilight's going too!"

"Well, I guess I am. I probably don't have a choice since I already agreed to it," I sighed putting my book down onto the table.

"Oh don't give me that face! You'll love it!" I arched an eyebrow. "Also I got too many faces."

"Wait, is Rarity bringing Timber?" Applejack asked, now sitting down, her blue cafeteria tray in front of her.


"You idiot," I heard Applejack mutter.

"Wait, where's Rarity?" Rainbow asked tapping her fingers against the table. She was leaning on her arm. "And Fluttershy?"

"Rarity's with Timber... again. Ah can't believe she never learns. She just dated-"

"Okay, okay, okay, enough information!" Rainbow interrupted Applejack.

"And Fluttershy?" I asked.

Applejack shrugged. "Maybe her teacher kept her in class or something?"

"I'll see if I can get her. I need to give her the invitation for the party anyway," Pinkie said turning around to stand up.

"Uhhmmmm, isn't the party Friday? Isn't it like Monday or something? Why are you handing out the invitations now?" Rainbow asked playing with her food with a plastic fork.

"Wednesday," I corrected.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Literally the same thing."

I opened my mouth to say something when interrupted me. "-And don't you dare correct me on that too."

"Pinkie, can I go too? I don't want to have to deal with this crap, plus maybe I can go too my locker to get some headphones or something."

Pinkie's face lit up. "Great idea Twilight! I'll stay here and you go find Fluttershy!"

"Wait what?"

"I gotta keep the ships up and running, and I have a strong feeling you might ruin it."

"But I thought you said-"

"Go find Fluttershy. Room C10, good luck."

I could hear Applejack rant yet again about Rarity and Timber and all I could do was nod and leave. How could Rainbow deal with that?

I walked down the hallway, to see Fluttershy, her lunchbox in hand. She was wearing a light green sweatshirt and black leggings.

"Hey Fluttershy, we were looking for you!" I called out to her.

"Oh, you were?" Fluttershy asked.

"Pinkie has a party on Friday after school."

"It's another one of her shipping schemes. Especially with what's going on now," Fluttershy remarked. Suddenly, she looked interested. "Is Rainbow going?"

"Nope. She's with Scootaloo or something."

Her face expression changed. "Sorry, I'm busy on Friday, Angel wants to go to the store with me and buy something."

I smirked. "Mmhmm."

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