Chapter 1 ~ Rarity's Birthday

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I wrote this story in 7th grade, therefore I made these characters 13 years old. Don't know what the fuck I was thinking, but ey.

Rarity's POV:

I blew out the candles from my birthday cake and everyone I invited cheered.

"Wow great job Rare," Applejack said chuckling. "You're finally 13!"

"Yeah, the next person to turn 13 is Twilight (SciTwi) and Rainbow!" Pinkie yelled in her cheery voice.

Rainbow groaned, "It is not my fault that I wasn't born earlier."

Fluttershy did this quiet giggle and looked to her feet.

"Well darlings, the important thing is that I am 13! Let's eat some cake!"

Everyone cheered and walked over to the cake. We all took a slice and walked over to a table. When we sat down, I looked over to all my friends.

Twilight and Pinkie were next to each other, Pinkie was making a scene. Rainbow Dash was talking to Applejack, and Fluttershy was looking over to her food, her hair was hiding her face. I looked over to Applejack and I felt my cheeks go red.

Rarity, snap out of it! I screamed to myself. I looked over to Applejack's clothes, she was wearing a red and orange plaid shirt, which I had chose for her to wear to my party. She was wearing jeans and her normal cow girl boots. She looks cute... Rarity did you just call Applejack cute? You're straight!

Rainbow and Applejack stopped talking and looked over to Pinkie. I decided to join the crowd and see what she was doing!

"What, why is everyone looking at me?" she asked.

Her face was all smooshed white from the cake. There were little sprinkles scattered all throughout her face.

"Darling, you have a little something on your face," I said.

She laughed. "Of course I know that silly! This is how you actually eat a cake!"

Twilight rolled her eyes looking at me. A little piece of cake rolled down her face and onto her shirt.

"Pinkie," I said in panicked tone, "Your shirt!"

"Oh yeah, that thing. It is not like I need that anyway!" Pinkie chuckled and shoved her face into her cake.

"Of course you need your shirt!"

Pinkie paused. "What for?"

I opened my mouth to say something but I stopped. Rainbow Dash then burst out laughing.

We all stared at her and she stopped. "Sorry, I just-" She rolled her eyes. "You guys have no sense of humor."

Crappy TimeSkip  to later that day~

Since it was my birthday party, I decided to have an old-fashioned sleepover. We sat out all our sleeping bags on the ground and Pinkie decided to yell, "TRUTH OR DARE!

She made us all sit in a circle, I sat next to Fluttershy and Twilight.

"Okay, who wants to to first?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie raised her hand shouting, "OOH ME!!!"

She looked over to Fluttershy. "Truth or dare?"

Fluttershy eyes widened. "Oh dear... Truth?"

"Ooh, I have a good one! Have you ever had your first kiss?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "Okay I guess it is my turn to give out a truth or dare. Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow smiled. "Give me your best dare."

"I dare you-"

"Ooh, I dare you to kiss Fluttershy!" Pinkie exclaimed interuptting Fluttershy.

"Really Pinkie?" Rainbow asked. "I might as well dare myself! And plus it is Fluttershy's (there peeps, Flutrershy no more) turn to dare someone!".

"Augh fine, though you have to admit that it was a good dare though."

"Sure..." Rainbow then looked at Fluttershy who's face was red. She inhaled, exhaled, and looked around. "I dare you to kiss Applejack... On the lips... I mean if you want..."

I felt a little bit of jealousy form into me and I had to remind myself that she was just a friend.

Applejack's face turned red and she chuckled of nervousness.

I couldn't handle it anymore! "Fluttershy deary, you don't have to dare Applejack that," I said.

"Oh sorry, Rainbow I can make a new dare for yo-"

"SO RARITY, WHY DO YOU NOT WANT RAINBOW DASH TO KISS APPLEJACK?" Pinkie exclaimed, yet having another success towards interuptting Fluttershy (ooh dis gonna be good. Someone get the popcorn xD).

I felt my face turn red and I opened my mouth and nothing came out. Everyone was looking at me and I couldn't say anything. It must look like I like Applejack right now, I thought.

Rainbow Dash quickly leaned over to Applejack and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

"I can't believe it!" Pinkie screamed. "According to my Pinkie sense, RARITY LIKES RAINBOW DASH!"

My face immediatly turned into disgust. "RAINBOW DASH? Ew no, she is really sporty and I can't imagine-"

"RARITY LIKES TWILGHT!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"How did I get involved in this conversation?" Twilight asked.


I felt myself form a fist, "I don't like Twilight."

"RARITY AND TWILIGHT SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Pinkie continued with the chant and I felt my blood start to boil. Then Rainbow Dash join the chant, and Fluttershy joined Rainbow Dash.

Applejack paused not knowing what to do and Twilight was looking at her feet.


Everyone stopped and that was the end of that discussion.

That night the only question I had in mind was, Am I really straight?

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