Chapter 8 ~ The Cheat

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I ran down the hall after school, I had forgotten my Science Notebook in my locker. My mom (wait for Rarity would the spelling be mum?) was waiting in our car. As I was running by, I saw two people making out against the locker. This was honestly normal at my school so as I was about to run by I caught a glimpse of who one of the people were.


I stopped running and just stared in awe. They didn't notice me, they just continued to kiss.

Fancy Pants is.... Cheating on me?! I felt tears start to roll down my face, and I started to sob. I ran out of the school and into my mom's car.

"Did you get that notebook you were looking for?" she asked turning her head towards me once I sat down.

"NOO!" I screamed, which made her jump.

"What ever is the ma-"


"Rarity... You're in the car right now, I can't just-"

"JUST DRIVE!!!!" I yelled.

Time skip.......

I jumped onto my bed and buried my face into my pillow.

I shouted a bunch of swear words and continued to sob. I stayed in this position for HOURS (it was only 5 minutes), until I heard knock on my door.

I paused to hear to see if I could hear any voices.

No one spoke.


"It is me, Sweetie Belle," a quiet voice spoke.

I groaned and got up from my bed and opened the door. "Get out," I firmly said, "I'm busy!"

Right before I slammed the door Sweetie Belle had replied brightly, "We have a surprise for you!"

Great, just great...

I knew instantly she was talking about her "crusader" friends. And to add on, Sweetie Belle's surprises were... interesting. She one time was making a birthday cake and when she finished she wanted to surprise me that she could light the candles. Long story short, she accidently lit the cake on fire.

"Well you girls can have fun with your little surprise while I mope in my bedroom." I slammed the door and took some ice cream out of my mini fridge and jumped back onto my bed.

It was just then I heard the doorbell ring.

Applejack's POV:

I stood outside Rarity's house, I had gotten a message from the crusaders that Rarity needed help. I had no idea what to expect, that was all the details they gave me. So I came there prepared, I had my brown backpack on with all my tools, my binder from school, and a lot of chocolate. As Twilight says, you can never be too prepared.

I heard running and a bunch of giggles. The door opened and I saw Sweetie Belle with a cheery smile.

"Come in! Rarity's in her room, she's waiting for you!" Sweetie Belle had said, raising her eyebrows. Behind her were Scootaloo and Apple Bloom dying from laughter.

I gave them a puzzled look, and took off my boots. I bolted up the stairs and opened Rarity's room.

She jumped in surprise. Her eyes were red from tears, and her bed was filled with buckets and buckets of ice cream that were already finished. Her face turned red and she looked at her bare feet.


"A-a-a-applejack... You never told me you were coming," she stuttered nervously.

"Your sister invited me..."

Rarity slowly took a bite out of her ice cream.

"Sugar cube, what's the matter?" I asked setting my heavy backpack down onto the wall.

She shook her head. "It is fine... I'm fine..."

"You don't look it."

"I just like ice cream... That's all..."

"Is this about Fancy Pants?"

She sighed and nodded.

"What happened?" I asked slowly walking over to her. I moved the empty ice cream buckets to make room for me to sit down.

"I-I-I saw him kissing someone else," she replied her voice cracking. I saw tears roll down her face.

"It's okay sugar cube, I'm here for you." I sat down and reached over for a hug.

Neither End Up Alive
By feedthekings


still in love with neua's story 2 years later, you should read it 😔👉👈

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