Chapter 11 ~ Lonely?

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So this is what it's like to be lonely?
Spending every minute

thinking 'bout you
But looking for somebody else to hold me
Only hoping they will know me 
like you do

~Tyler Ward

Twilight's POV:

I was holding Rainbow's hand and looking into her magenta eyes, awaiting an answer.

She bit her lip and pulled her hand away from mine.

"I'm fine!" her voice cracked. She then ran off to her locker.

Obviously the occurance of Rarity and Applejack so close to eachother somehow mentally damaged Rainbow. Or something along those lines.

And she didn't feel like talking to me. Which is totally understandable, but I made a promise to myself that I would make sure she was better later.

I walked over to my locker, entered my combination, put my backpack in and all the necessary items. I grabbed my binder that I would have to carry all day, except in gym class.

As I shut my locker closed instead of heading to my first class, I looked for Rainbow. I couldn't find any rainbow hair anywhere in the hallway.

Instead I found Fluttershy.

Fluttershy's POV:

I was carefully placing my backpack in my locker. I felt so horrible leaving my animals alone for so long. I sometimes wish I was homeschooled just so I could spend more time with them. But that would mean I wouldn't see my human friends that often.

Making sure no one was looking, I unzipped my backpack and stuffed Angel Bunny into my sweatshirt pocket. I then gave him some food.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Twilight said smiling.

"Oh, hi," I responded, quickly zipping up my backpack again.

"Did you notice anything up with Rainbow this morning?" she asked pulling a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"No, I was trying to calm down Pinkie from the shipping thing. Is she okay?" I tried thinking back to this morning, but I could only remember Rarity and Applejack.

"She felt kind of sad." She motioned for me to whisper into my ear. "I think she had a crush on Applejack."

Immediatly my face turned red and for some reason I felt like I was hit by a truck or something. "Oh."

"Do you want to check up on her?" Twilight asked.

I nodded slowly and closed my locker gently.

Twilight grabbed onto my head and pulled me to whatever classroom Dash was supposed to be in.

Rainbow's POV:

"DID YOU SEE IT DASHIE?" Pinkie shouted in my face. "Rarity and Applejack walked in HOLDING HANDS. I almost fainted it was amazing!"

"Don't remind me," I muttered under my breath.


"Pinkie can you please just stop...?" I asked quietly. I didn't have the energy to stand up, slam the table, and yell at her like I usually do.

I saw her hair somehow twitch and she looked at me. "GOTTA GO BYE!" Pinkie screamed.

That took of that problem.

As if on cue, Twilight and Fluttershy walked in, Twilight holding onto Fluttershy's hand. Twilight let go of her hand and waved to me.

"Hey Dash!" Twilight said smiling at me.

"Let me guess- you're here to talk about Rarijack," I said with weak jazz hands.

"Uhm no, we're not Pinkie. We're here because we saw you kind of sad this morning. We want to make sure you're okay," Twilight said.

"I'm just tired, that's all," I said, which was half a lie and half a truth.

"I've known you since I was 4, what's up?" Fluttershy asked.

I looked at the time on the clock (ikr i can read time, wowie). It was 09:07, 3 more minutes until the 5 minute warning bell would ring. I still had time.

And there was barely anyone in this classroom anyway, unless you count the teacher listening to music with her ear buds grading things a person.

"I uhm," I hesitated. "I honestly thought that Applejack liked me. She said so, in fact, herself. So the time I was healing or whatever, I had sometime to think about it. I liked her too, I guess."

Twilight grabbed a chair and sat down listening to whatever I had to say next. Fluttershy kind of just awkwardly stood there.

"And when she walked in with Rarity like that, I got really confused."

"Rarity and Applejack might not be dating though," Twilight said trying to reassure me or whatever. "You still might have a chance with AJ."

"Tell that to Pinkie and watch her hopes and dreams get crushed."

I looked up to see if Fluttershy had anything to say. She looked at me, with her little worried face. She walked towards me and sat her head on my shoulder which made me jump a little.

"We're here for you," she said.

The bell suddenly rung, Fluttershy jumped in surprise because of the loud blaring noise. Without saying anything, they looked at me, waved, and walked out of the classroom.

The teacher walked over to the whiteboard marking some things.

Another day of hell.

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