Chapter 7: Oh my God

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     Its the period before snacks break ,I looked at the time and its 12pm. "Thank God its almost time for my favourite period" I said in relief and favour chuckled when someone tapped my shoulder and I  turned to see who it was. There stood two handsome boys a little bit taller than me and I'm surprised they decided to meet me today.

     "Hey I'm Caleb" the one with the fair skin and dirty brown hair said.

    "And I'm Henry" the one with the slight British accent said.

   "Hi" I greeted back.

  "Mind if we join you" Caleb asked.

  "Sure" I responded.

  "Ann they are the most popular sophomores in this school which you would have known if you were more social" fay informed and the boys smirked.

   "You know I only talk to people in my close friend with the real and out with the fakes" I defended.

   "And we would love to join that friend group" henry said. "Yeah" Caleb added.

    "Ok cool" I said. "Now its Fay, Nay, Nat, Henry,Caleb and I" I continued. We got to know each other better and I learnt that henry is from delta and lived in London like me and Caleb is from anambra and lived in California and they follow me on so that's why they talked to me).

      Riiing !!! ,the bell rang

     "Yes food" I exclaimed and they chuckled , we all left together to get our snacks and I got my usual pure bliss and a drink and we sat in our usual circle but with two more people and chatted away.

   "I've not seen Liam since" I said looking around.

   "Why do you care do you care" fay said to my surprise. Why do I care?

   "Swr after what you did thank God you've not seen him" Caleb said laughing.

   "Yh what you did was so cool, even I no get balls like you" henry said in pidgin making me giggle and as if on cue asher walked pass the door and we made brief eye contact , it was scary. He took his snacks and left while the rest 3 sat down at the other corner and ate.

    "Where are Nat and Nay" henry asked bringing me back to reality.

  "I don't know probably caught up in Government class or something" fay answered and the bell rang and we filed out.


    It was school over and the whole gang  and I were headed to the caf for lunch when I remembered something.

   "Shit, the physics teacher said I should come after school to get some things straight" I told them.

  "Well go mumu, you don't want to enter that Man's trap" fay said and I left.

    I was walking back from Mr. Johns boring explanations when I decided to take a shortcut which meant passing the senior classes.

   "I've never seen the ss3 classes before, what's the worst that could happen" I thought shrugging passing them looking from the windows, God forbid me actually entering. As I continued to stroll I was shocked by what I saw next . inside of room 132 art I saw Asher kissing Sophia and a pang of jealousy hit me. I don't know why tho.

   "Move before they notice you" SC said but too late he was looking at me and I walked pass as fast as my feet could carry me.

* Asher's POV *

I know I don't normally do things with girls but I was just sexually frustrated and Sophia is the closest friend I have that's a girl and I heard she has this crush on me . I mean who wouldn't , so why not make her dreams come true. I wooed her to my class after school and started kissing her and by the way she moaned, she was enjoying it. I opened my eyes already bored with her and saw Ann staring at us through the window and when she noticed me looking at her she ran off.

   "Fuck" I thought ."wait why do I care" I continued and stopped kissing Sophia and just left.

* Ann's POV *

    I was seated next to Nat eating my food trying to erase what I witnessed as I saw Liam entering the caf with a serious face and Sophia smiling like nothing happened.

    "TGIF" Nay yelled.

  "Yh I love the weekends...tonight we have  field night" fay said.

   "What's that" Nat asked.

   "Its when we just stay on field, listen to music, gist and what not" Caleb answered.

   "Friday nights are field nights, people usually stay in pairs or groups, Saturday nights are socials where we dance and shit, in hall its like a party and Sunday nights are movie nights also in hall" henry informed taking a sip of his drink.

   "Dope" nat said .

   "Ann do you want to stay with me for field night" Caleb asked but I didn't answer too distracted by the burning image of Sophia kissing Liam.

   "Ann" nat elbowed me..

   "Emm yh what" I said confused.

   "I said would you like to stay with me for field night" Caleb asked again .

   "Sure I would love to...what ever that is" I said whispering the last part.


      Dinner was over so we all headed to the field, I went with Caleb while nat was with Nay & Fay and henry went to hostel to play games cause he thinks field night is pointless.

    "So how do you find the school so far" Caleb asked as we reached the field.

   "Its pretty cool and big...feels like a place anyone would enjoy" I said.

   "Yh ...I've been here for 3 and half years and I love every moment...its taught me a lot" Caleb said putting his arm around me looking at the environment.

    "Did you ever get in trouble" I asked not know what to say again.

   "Oh yeah huge trouble but I'll tell you about them later" he said.

    "Hmm ..ok" I replied.

    "Wanna see something cool" he asked.

   "Yeah sure" I said loving interesting things.

    " follow me" he said taking my hand and leading me somewhere.

* Asher's POV *

   I don't know what Caleb's plan is o but I'm not liking it. I don't even know why I'm looking or why I care but I can't take my eyes of her ,so I decided to call my trusted school son Rylie , the only junior I actually like and sent him on a mission.

    "Hey, you know Caleb right" I asked.

   "Yh I know him " he said.

   "Good he's with a girl...when he gets too cozy with her make some excuse to bring him out...I think he went toward the garden" I instructed .

   "Ok but why do you care" he asked.

   "Shut up and do what I say" I said annoyed cause I really don't know why either and he left and I continued talking to the guys.

    " guy its like I'll go and meet Natalie... We have unfinished business " Elliot said  smirking.

   "Don't rape someone's nine months o" Austin said.

   "I'll try not to" he responded and left.

Author's Note:

Hmm Ann and Caleb...cute
Hope u liked the chapter...remember to share and vote thanks

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