Chapter 16: she's mine

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    Playlist: in my feelings by drake

   The rest of the day was cool, I and the girls are now heading to the caf for dinner.

   I got spaghetti my fav with meatballs and we all sat down eating and gisting.

      "Hey ladies" henry said sitting down and Caleb sat next to me as always.

      "Hey pretty" Caleb said but I didn't mind while the girls sent each other looks that say wat did I just hear now.

    Caleb got tacos so we decided to combine it to make SPAGHETTI TACOS. Yay and we fed each other.

* Asher's POV *

      "Ash don't look now but Caleb is getting too cozy" Austin snitched.

     "What do you mean"I asked and he pointed at Ann's table. I looked and saw Caleb feeding her a weird taco and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer and she's... Smiling.

      " Damn... can you take that" the boys said and I glared at them but I just smirked.

    "Hmm interesting... I know what to do" and walked to Ann's table.

* Ann's POV *

   Caleb was whipping sauce off my nose  when someone grabbed his hood and he went flying to the floor.

     "Thank God ...they were becoming weird" fay said while the rest of us were in shock and just looked at Asher.

   "What did you do that for" I yelled.

    "Oops" he said shrugging tucking his hands in his pockets and went to meet Caleb where he threw him and leaned over.

        "Don't you touch her again" he warned Caleb and stood up straight again. "Nobody dare touch her...she's mine" he yelled for everyone in the caf and I looked at Asher's table for an explanation but they just mouthed a "sorry" and continued laughing. Sophia dramatically got up and left the caf. Why does he have to make my life so miserable.

      I went to help Caleb and ash just left with a smug look on his face,like who does that. I took Caleb back to the table and sat him down.

     "Wow! Possessive much?" Fay commented.

      "That's hot" Nat added.

     "More like possessive jerk...annoying curse...lovable not...anything else" I groaned. "He just wants to make life difficult" I said.

      "Or interesting" Nay countered.

     "See even she gets it" fay said.

     "Hey what's that supposed to mean" she said back.

     " guys should go for socials, I'm not in the mood to party" I said.

     "Yh and I'm gonna go heal" Caleb said.

    "Eyaa at least escort us there" nay pleaded.

     "Ok" I said and we got up and left.


    We're on our way to hall when I saw Liam and Sophia talking on the way and I tensed but managed to pass them.

    We got to hall. "Have fun guys" I said and turned to leave.

      "You too" they said.

      "Netflix and chill here I come" I said wanting to go to TV room and I was passing ash when he grabbed me. Shit.

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