Chapter 24:

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     Playlist : Cash me outside by DJ suede the remix God.

     I was on my bed reading a novel when  someone tapped my butt and it jiggled. I looked at what caused it expecting my setmate but it was Jordan who was grinning like a fool.

          "Hey" she waved.

           "Sup dear" I sat up looking at her.

          "I came to stay with you" she beamed.

         "Sure...come sit" I said providing space for her on my bed and she climbed.

       "So what you wanna do" she asked.

     "Well I was reading a novel... But I also need to loosen my hair" I answered.

     "I could do it" she said. Why is she so excited, but hey free errand.

      "Really thanks" I squealed and laid down reading my book once more while she sat on my but loosening my hair.

       "So how was the competition" I asked.

      "It was cool, I got 2nd place. Won $2000" she replied.

     "Wow that's nice. You try" I said.


    "So what you gonna use the money for" I asked.

    "Probably to buy a dog".she grinned

    " lol ok"I said. "You know you have a grandmother" I informed.

    "Who"she asked.


    "Nice choice" she said and I smiled.

   After about an hour she was finally done. "Thanks" I said as she combed my hair.

    "No have soft,long, curly hair" she stated.

    "I know right ,thanks its natural" I said.

    "Figured...sha bye" she said. and I gave her oreos that I got from Bella before she left.


    I went out looking for who to talk to cause I didn't want to watch TV and luckily I saw James and Asher talking with  their set mates and I walked over to them and as for Liam, since I'm his property, he should come and take care of me.

        I grabbed  a handful of their hair, God it was soft and dragged them to pathway. When we got there I released them.

       "Hey what was that for" James whined.

     "Yh what's wrong with you bitch" ash said in pain.

     "I'm bored and I missed you James" I said sweetly.

    "Aww I missed you too" he replied.

    "And as for me" ash shot.

    " I just wanted to pull your hair" I said sticking out my tongue and he rolled his eyes.

     "So your bored what do you want us to do about it" ash said annoyed.

     "Hey don't be rude to her" James defended.

     "Thank you and I was hoping we could talk" I beamed and ash let out a long sigh.

    "Ok whatever since I'm already here" ash said and we all walked along.

    "So what's up mama" James said.

    "I'm cool...but as for Liam here I don't know. Where have you been...your scarce" I said.

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