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"Hurry up, this stuff is heavy," Usopp complained while I was trying to unlock the door to our hotel room. The room was lit up before we had even stepped in. There the edge of one of the beds was Kaku, he was twirling a knife in his hand, the blade pointed upwards, the handle in his palm. I had a few guesses as to why he was here.

"Hello, Roronoa," Kaku said as Sanji and Usopp set their stuff down, not giving a shit about the man sitting in their hotel room. This is what I get for keeping that damned phone on me. As soon as they set the stuff down Sanji grabbed Usopp by the collar of his shirt and pulled him out the door, closing is behind him.

"Kaku," I said.

"You've been ignoring the government again," Kaku pointed out. Like that wasn't obvious.

"You've noticed?" I retorted. Kaku sighed.

"I recall the mess that happened last time you tried this, one of your friends was killed." Kaku mused. "Left Strawhat with a scar if I'm correct." I tensed at the mention of that. That was something Only Sanji, Nami, and Usopp knew about, and they didn't know the full extent of that either.

"Congratulations," I muttered Kaku put the knife away.

"Report," he demanded. He was hardly in a position to order me around, though there wasn't really any reason not to tell him my intentions.

"I'm not doing the job," I stated, staring at Kaku and with contempt.

"That's a stupid decision," Kaku said.

"It seems everything I've done is an accumulation of stupid decisions, so that's not new." Kaku said nothing in response to that.

"I knew you weren't cut out for this line of work," Kaku muttered. He said the words as if he had been there when I was picked, but I knew we had started at the same time, just kids. He stood, heading towards me or the door, it was the same direction either way.

"I was supposed to kill you if you opposed orders," He said once he reached me. Kaku patted my shoulder. "We both know I can't do that."

"What will you do then, you'll be in the same boat as me."

"Easy, you lied to me, said you were having trouble catching up with any of them, Thatch is a slippery one, Violet is under the eye of the public, and Koala's marked as near impossible," Kaku stated, turning for the door. "Of all the things Roronoa Zoro would do, lying is not one of them. I won't help you after this though. Get rid of that phone and watch what money your spending, Nami's being watched." I nodded. He had no reason to do this, he could change his mind right now and kill me.

"Keep an eye on the news too, they have a lot on you and Strawhat, especially with the whole terrorist thing." Kaku left the room. Sanji came back in.

"What was that about?" He asked, snaking his arms around me.

"The government sent him to kill me," I said, Sanji went stiff.

"Why didn't he?" He asked quietly.

"We aren't friends, but we grew up together, in that place," I stated. Sanji nodded, his face pressed to my back.

"Where's Usopp?" I asked.

"Still talking to Nami and Robin," Sanji replied, sliding his hand to my hips and turning me to face him.

"You told Nami Kaku was here?" I asked I wrapped one arm around him and used my free hand to tilt his chin up to me. Sanji wasn't all that much shorter, an inch or two, so the action wasn't necessary, however, his bangs fell from his face and revealed part of his mismatched eyebrow.

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